We quickly ate and now we're in her room again, getting her ready. I had prepared her dress last night. She got dressed and I took her into the connected bathroom to door her hair. "How do you want your hair?" I asked, brushing her hair. She had just brushed her teeth, now we're both standing in front of the mirror. "I don't care." She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. I don't know how she can be tired still.

"There done." I said placing the black elastic headband. She looked and smiled. "I love it." She said touching her French braid. Yes I know how to braid. From the moment I knew we had a girl, I learnt to braid.

Definitely not excited for the time when I have to tell her about the birds and the bees. Jason's lucky. He'd be familiar with talking about puberty with Jake.

Finally walking back into her room and slung her bag on her shoulders. She looked in the body length mirror in the corner and smiled. "How do I look Daddy?" She asked, her blue eyes piercing brightly as the light from the sun peaked through the blinds. She wore a school with the black shoes and white socks.

"You look beautiful babygirl." I breathe. My little girl is growing up. She smiled brightly. "Thank you!" She said, hugging me.

"Alright c'mon." I said. We made our way downstairs and I grabbed the car keys and my Raybans and phone. I walked out and locked the house.

Jade was already waiting at my white Range Rover. She was singing to herself softly. I opened the door for and she hopped in. "You ready?" I asked as I buckled her in her booster seat. She nodded excitedly.

After the short drive to the school. I hopped out and heard gasps from others. Probably because I'm Justin Bieber and Jade is getting dropped off. "Alright I'm going to walk you in and then I'll say goodbye." I said looking at her. She was holding me hand. "Daddy?" She said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Uh. Um. What if they don't like me?" She whisper. I stopped right there and kneeled down to her level. "Aww babygirl. They'll love you. You'll make friends quickly." I said smiling, moving a piece of fly away from her forehead.

"How do you know?" She asked. I thought. Of course they'll love her. She's my beautiful babygirl. "Because you're you. You're beautiful, friendly, nice and fun." I said. "Yeah?" She said. "Yep! And you're a Bieber." I smiled. She giggled and grabbed my hand again as I stood up full height.

"Alright babe. You have fun today." I said looking at her. The other kids were saying goodbye to their parents, some where pointing and smiling. I smiled and waved. Jade nodded her head. "I will daddy. Love you." She said reaching her arms to hug me. I pulled her into my embrace. "I love you too. Now behave okay." I said pulling away. The bell went which meant it was 9:00am. "No promises. Love you." She smiled cheekily and ran to the line. Her teacher looked at me and smiled. I nodded my head.

After talking to the principal about I want everyone to treat Jade like a normal person. And making an agreement so she could make sure the other kids don't try to be friends with her because of me. It'd be using her and that's not right. I made my way back to the car.

Deciding I was going to do a little shopping today as most kids were gonna be at school. I found a parking spot and got out. I locked it and walked to the entrance. Stopping for pics every now and then. I love how they can co-operate.

I didn't know what I was looking for but yeah. I walked past a couple of shops til I stopped in from of a shop called 'REBEL'. Noticing the store had sport stuff, clothes, gym equipment, running shoes, etc. I walked in and found a couple of shirts that I liked. I grabbed myself sizes.

I proceeded to look around. After getting a few sport items, I was done. I payed and thanked the lady again.

I walked out with the bags and wandered around the shopping centre. It was really nice here. I spotted a footlocker and walked over to it. I looked at the wall to see if there were any shoes I liked. And I did. I grabbed a pair of black and white adidas fluxes and Nikes.

I walked over to the kid section. Finding a pair for Jade. I found the same ones I had picked out for myself and got her a pair. I smiled. She loves dressing like me. I grabbed more clothing for her that she would like and also finding the all white air maxes she wanted.

After paying and taking more photos. I was tired. I had shopped at more stores. I went to the food court and ordered a sub from subway. I sat down and ate.

Looking at the time I noticed it was almost time to pick up Jade. 2:45pm. School ended 3pm.

I got to the car and drove to the school. Walking in parents were waiting and talking to one another. "Justin!" I heard. I turned around to be met with Alex. "Hey!" I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm picking up my son." He laughed. Woah. He has a kid? "Alex McCann a daddy?" I asked. He nodded. "Yep. Kieran. He's in 7. In Year 1. And I have another on the way." He said. "Wow, congrats man." I patted his back. We talked for a couple minutes til the bell went. Kids were running out of their classrooms from everywhere.

I spotted Jade and she ran to me smiling. "Daddy! I missed you." She said as I picked her up. "I missed you too." I said into her ear. I smiled and put her down.

"So uh we have to go. I have a delivery coming soon." I trailed. He nodded understanding. "Oh yeah! Of course. Catch up next time." He smiled.


1664 words! -not edited-

So the first day of school! It's the end of January for them.

Question: What do you think I should wear to Justin's morning concert?"


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