On Limitations

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"Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world."Arthur Schopenhauer

I too have fallen prey to what this message suggests. After acknowledging this error in so many parts of my life...I found something else. I found another world--one where the only limits are my own. The more of those that I remove, the more I uncover the potential there.

That world is the magical place that exist somewhere between the pen and the paper. A place where amazing stories seem to stretch out in all directions. A world that not even the piece of paper can limit. It quickly grows to surrounding pages and soon leaps off the pages all together. It will follow you around, tormenting your attention span. It will whisper over your shoulder and make you turn to look for it. Only when you are tired of running away, you go running back...the place that you wanted to be all along--that world where "Limitations" are the only "there's no such thing."

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