I inhaled the amazing scent. I couldn't completely recognize it but I know it played a large roll in my childhood. I started following it and realized that it trailed down the elevator and onto the main floor. I growled out of happiness and started running downstairs, following the scent.
It was getting stronger and soon, I ran into a pale figure with bright and colorful. He seemed to be sniffing the air. "Sorry. Just looking for my mate." I muttered. He turned around and I looked into his green eyes. My inner wolf was yelling at me to kiss him right there.
"Me too." Mikey half smiles. "Am I the only one who feels like the pizza guy is here?"
"Mikey. I feel like the pizza guy just came to my door offering free pizza for life. What is your wolf saying?" I questioned as my wolf continued to scream at me. "Mate! Mate! Come on you idiot! Just tell him already!" She screamed. I ignored her, waiting for him to respond.
"That I'm a idiot, that my mate is in front of me, and that I should stop blabbering on and just kiss you." He stated. His face immediately grew red. "I didn't say the last part aloud did I?" I nodded with a smile spreading across my face.
"MIKEY!" I squeal and wrap my arms around him. "You're my fluffing mate!" I smild up at him.
"Y/N is my mate! What are the odds?" He snickered.
"I wonder if the others have found their mates yet." I thought aloud.
"Who cares. I just want to spend time with you." He smiled. I grin back and lay my head on his shoulder. I finally can be with my Mikey.
Ash's P.O.V
I followed the irresistible smell of mint and chocolate. What did Y/N say this means again? Oh yeah, I found my mate. The smell was getting stronger and a figure was approaching me. The smell, was coming from her. She seemed to be coming towards me so does that mean she is my mate?
"Yes Ash! That's our mate! Mate!" A voice called from inside of me. My inner wolf.
"Hi." I wave as she almost is infront of me.
"Ash?" She asks, stepping under the light. I nod and my eyes widen as I realize the figure was Autumn. "I knew it was you! I always smelt mint and chocolate when you were around but I dismissed it as a smell from the kitchen or somebody nearby eating it." She grinned. I opened my arms wide and she leapt into them.
"You're my mate." I laughed as I hugged her. "You're my mate."A/N:
Yay, nay on the character switch for the different way each boy finds their mate? I dunno. I'm sorry I'm after the goal. I've been really busy and I completely forgot about updating this because of how much pain I'm in. My feet are killing me and I think I'm getting sick. Ugh! Stupid illnesses! Anyways, should probably finish getting ready for school. Bye!