Everything Can Change In An Instant

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In an instant...everything can change...it can be different...something bad could happen...something good could happen. I grew up knowing that one false move can get yourself killed...and can kill others around you.

In life you have to be a quick thinker...you cant hesitate...you cant stop to consider options...because in those moments where you're hesitating and considering your options, someone could die. You could die. The point is...time is everything...and it should be used wisely. The time that I've had...I haven't been using it wisely. I've been using it to keep secrets...from those closest to me...and I shouldn't have done it. I still am doing it but it's one of those things that is easier said than done.

So...time is an essence...and at the moment...time was something that I definitely was not using wisely.

I stared. I stared at the Impala sitting there, totaled by the 18 wheeler sitting two feet away from it. John, Sam and Dean were all in there. I should've screamed. I should've ran to their aid right away. I'm not heartless, I'm really not. I can be a bitch but I'm not selfish. I was hoping that they would all pile out...it would be okay if they were limping and bleeding...but I needed to know they were alive...and there was no sign of it. No sign of life was coming from the area. The air was filled with a deathly silence.

I know Brit was in the same state of shock as I was in because she sat motionless behind me.

"Melissa..." I heard her murmur.

"This is a sick joke...they're going to get out of that car..." I muttered...but it was more to myself.

In a second, Brit jumped from the bike, running over to the crashed car. Then, it hit me. They weren't climbing out.

I jumped from my bike as well, not even bothering with the kick stand as I raced after Brit. We got to the car and approached the door slowly.

"Sam?...Sam" Brit spoke through the open window to Sam sitting in the drivers seat.

She put both hands on the door and I got right next to her as Sam started to open his eyes. "Brit...Mel?" he asked.

"Yeah, Sam it's us. We're going to call an ambulance..." she started.

I couldn't even find my voice to speak when I looked at Dean in the back seat. "Dad...Dean?...Dean!" Sam yelled.

"Shhh Sam. It's okay. They're going to be fine..." Brit promised and then I heard footsteps coming from behind us.

I looked up to see the truck driver was gone. I looked in the car and reached in to grab the Colt. I spun around, pointing it at the truck driver with such force, I thought the gun would actually break within my grip. I stood in between Brit and the driver as I stared at the coal-black eyes.

"Get back or I swear to God I will kill you" I said, grinding my teeth.

The gun was shaking in my hard grip but my finger was steady on the trigger. "No, you wont. You're saving that one bullet for someone else" he said, smiling creepily.

I cocked the gun. "You really want to test me?" I glared.

The demon eyed me as I just eyed him back. Then the black smoke flew out of his mouth and into the air and the truck driver fell to the ground. I dropped my arms and relaxed and then I dropped the gun as well. The man started to stand up.

"Did I do this...oh God..." he started crying.

I ignored him as I turned around and opened the back seat door, holding Dean up the whole time since he was leaning in my direction. I got in, holding Dean against me and Brit took out her phone to call 911. Time is of the essence...and we just didn't have enough of it.

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