Chauffeur ~ Chapter 7

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He also went on Ellen like two more times, one for an interview, and another one just because he was in the city and she was premiering there. He broke a camera while firing a shirt, or was it an Ellen underwear? I don't know, I just know that he was looking cute with that haircut, and that oh so relaxed face and calm aura that he has been radiating lately. He has definitely improved and grown, not only as an artist, but as a person, and it was a beautiful thing to see.

Justin P.O.V


I looked at myself in the mirror before getting my cue to come out on stage at the TODAY Show. Fixing my hat after brushing my freshly dyed blonde hair with my fingers, I walked out to the stage to see the TODAY Show reporters waiting for me with umbrellas as the rain drizzled on them.

Jason was inside, or nearby watching me from somewhere. For some reason, that singular thought made me immensely warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"Hello Justin!" the female reporter on stage said as soon as she spotted me. I smiled and hugged her briefly.

"Hello," I shook the man's hand and smiled at the crowd as their screams got louder making my heart warm up. They were enduring rain and a very high possibility of getting a really bad cold for me, and that singlehandedly made me feel like the most loved human being at that very moment.

"The floor is a little slippery," the woman stated.

"It is a little slippery but we will make it work," I affirmed, "Michael Jackson once performed like that and he did a cool slide like..." I slid down the stage in demonstration earning wild screams from the crowd. I smiled and walked back to where the reporters were briefly interviewing me as I took my hat off and ran my fingers through my blonde hair once again.

"I see you sporting a new hair style," the man stated as he watched me trying to tame my hair.

"I am, I am. I tried to go for the blonde look once again," I said cheekily. We talked for a few more minutes before they introduced me and announced that I was about to sing, but of course commercials rolled in. I think they just want to keep me here and show me at the end to get more views, don't they? that's what most channels do anyways. I smiled at the camera and walked off.

"Where's Jason?" I asked one of my dancers.

"He said he was going to use the restroom real quick when they announced we would be going to commercials," Elysandra said politely. I nodded as I thanked her before running off to the bathroom. After a few given directions and a few lost corners, I had to stop for a quick camera shoot for the show. When that was done with and they went back into the studio, I went to the bathroom and there he was on the phone.

"I already said wrong number," Jason said, his voice laced with frustration, "for the sake of my phone battery, I already said that I'm not married and I'm no Mrs. Beltran, can't you hear I'm a male?" my eyes widened at the peculiar conversation and I couldn't help the hysterical laughter that had escaped my soul.

Jason turned around and glared at me, "just goodbye ma'am. You have the wrong person," he stated before hanging up, still looking at me through his deadly glare, "what is it with you and eavesdropping on me? I can't even count how many times you have eavesdropped on me this week alone," he stated. I chuckled and straightened my posture before responding to his ridiculous accusations.

"It's not my fault every time I look for you you're engaged in a funny or interesting phone call. I was just looking for you because I was about to go on stage and perform," I said as a matter of fact and Jason looked at me weirdly.

"Okay? I'm not one of your backup dancers Damsel," he said as he snorted. I bit my tongue as I tried not to say anything about that ridiculous name.

"I was just wondering if you were going to come watch," I said as I looked at him in the eyes.

As time passed and he continued to work with and for me, we have become sort of close, friends if you will. I can't say we are inseparable best friends because it takes me some time to trust people, whoever you are. If we meet and we interact that doesn't mean that I trust you, it just doesn't work that way in my head.

Quite a few emotions ran through his eyes before he smiled softly, "Come here Damsel," he stated as he opened his arms. I looked at them and they somewhat, somehow looked like the place to be in, especially on a rainy day in NYC.

Shaking my head at the absurd thought, I walked over to him and dived into his arms before wrapping my own around his torso as he wrapped his around my shoulders.

I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. It wasn't some intoxicating, strong smell because he wasn't wearing any at all. It was just a faint smell of axe and it went good with him. Sadly, shamefully, and unfortunately he was taller than me and my head literally rested under his chin. For some odd reason that made me feel protected and safe.

The door opened but I didn't pull away abruptly like I imagined, Instead I stayed tucked in in Jason's arms hoping I'd disappear into this dreamland that his arms have created for me in the span of a single minute, but I knew that couldn't happen, "Justin you're on in a minute," I heard one of the producers say before I nodded. Pulling away, I fixed my hat before turning to Jason as he smiled at me.

"Lets go Damsel, take that as your good luck hug," he said as he rushed me out of the bathroom door, a smile invading my face as I looked down at the floor.

This guy is something else.

Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB} ~ Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat