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Chapter 5: Family

February 20th 2005

"Blow out the candles sweetie!" As a five year old girl, I giggled, not expecting the terror that would occur only moments later.

"Mom look!" I remember hearing my 18 year old brother, Dawson say.

My ponytails bounced with each step I took as I walked in the direction Dawson was pointing. My mom pulled me away from the TV I had been about to walk into, a gasp escaping her body. Me, being so young I had laughed and asked Dawson what show this was.

It looked like one of Dawson's action movies except there was a reporter and it said 'Fox 2 News,' in the corner. In the background of the reporter, buildings were burning and there were huge fluffy dogs attacking people. I didn't like this new movie, why was Dawson watching this?

Suddenly the screen changed, my sister, Kay walked in looking terrified. Her 15 year old body shaking, was she cold? Returning my attention to the screen I saw a woman. A woman who in the end would be the cause of the werewolves demise by my own hands. Something I had not known at my young age.

The woman spoke her eyes obsidian with a yellow circle surrounding the pupil. My body was now shaking like Kay's and I wanted to cry during her speech. Even at such a young age I understood what she was saying.

"You people have forced us into hiding for years. But today the werewolves will rule. We mean no harm to you humans, but many of our wolfs need their mates to make them stronger. Some of our mates are human, we need every girl to be tested. To see which wolf their blood is compatible with. Every human girl compatible or not with a wolf will be taken from their homes and put into a community. On their sixteenth year they shall be taken from the community and will live the rest of his or her life with their mate. Submitting to them in every possible way. As for the rest of you, you shall be left alone."

My mother growled under her breath in anger before turning me and my sister to face her.

"Listen to me, both of you. The werewolves are vile creatures, me and your brother will stop at nothing to take them down," my mother seemed so confident and I had smiled at her, reaching up to touch her cheek.

She began muttering an incantation, and my sister wrapped her arms around me as we both took a step back. Suddenly the woman from the TV was at our door, her hand gripping my mother by the neck.

She turned to me and whispered,"as much as I'd love to rid this earth of the last witches. I need the two of you," she glared pointing at me and my sister.

My sister and I stepped back and the lady stepped forward releasing my mother. Dawson went to hit the lady but before any of us could blink the man beside her had stabbed him.

The world seemed to freeze as Dawson's body fell. I felt an anger no 5 year old girl should ever be capable of having.

And suddenly the man who had stabbed Dawson was on the ground. Breathing for air, my fist tightened as I imagined it was his throat in my hands. Then he stopped thrashing for air and simply lay still.

The lady smiled at me, an evil look in her eyes as she approached. I didn't know what I had just done with that man, all I knew was that I wanted Dawson. He was my hero and I was his little munchkin, I can't live without him!

I sprinted past the lady and towards Dawson, who laid still on the floor. Finally I realized my mother also laid still. And when I turned my sister was slumped over with a knife in her back. At that point I began to cry, my body shaking with every sob.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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