Chapter 13

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Maddie's POV
Today is Jennifer's birthday so we decided to make a suprised for her.
M- Esmi let's make a suprised party for Jennifer for her birthday
E- I was thinking the same thing, what about we............ take her to my house and I'll throw a pool party
M- Perfect I'll buy some things and drop them off at your house and I'll distract Jennifer ok
E- kk bye
After out texting covers Arion o went to the store and bought a few things. I decided to text Jennifer happy b-day at least.
M- happy birthday Jennifer
J- thx
M- hope u have a great day.
J- I'm going over to Esmi's house so you can cone if u want
M- no ummm stay at your house I'll pick u uo.
J- It's ok u don't have to
M- I insist
J- Ok
OMG that was close. I went to the cashier and started putting down the stuff I was going to buy.
"That wil be 30 dolla-........ Oh l I guess today is my lucky day." She says.
I look up and see its my cousin mary
"Mary?" I say.
"Umm yeah duh, see u at the party tonight." She says and smirks.
I just go to another cashier and pay for everything. Well that was wierd. I hid everything behind my car and went to pick up Jennifer.
Jennifer's POV
Maddie finally came and started driving.
"Umm that's the wrong way maddie." I say.
"Oh umm sorry let me turn." She says and goes to another way which was wrong again.
"Where are we, Maddie are u feeling ok because I think we are lost." I say worried.
"Oh it's ok it's just a shortcut." She says and I just nod.
Esmi's POV
I told all the guys to come and help me out. Mathew was a great help tho. I guess he really likes Jennifer. Taylor and Mathew were making a banner and me and Hayes were fixing the tables inside. Shawn got all the lights ready outside. Jacks well were just making vines. Of course. Well all the guys were pretty much. I went outside to see how Shawn was doing until I saw Cameron vining me. Wierd. Then all of a sudden someone got me and started running towards the pool.
"Let me go." I say.
I saw who got me and it was Jack G. He then threw me in the pool. I went back up and saw all the guys laughing and vining.
"What the fuck jack?"I say a little mad.
"What can't we have a little fun." He says.
"Well next time have fun with yourselves in the pool not me." I say and go get changed.
We were done with everything and I told maddie to bring Jennifer. She was now on her way so we all started hiding. We started hearing footsteps and someone turn on the lights.
"SUPRISE!" We yell and Jennifer just gets scared and then laughs.
"Jesus I didn't expect a huge scare after that long ride." She says and maddie and I laugh.
Mathew walks up to her and gives her a tiny present and hugs her.
"Happy birthday Jennifer." He says.
"Thank u Mathew u are just to kind." She says and everyone awws at both of them.
"Shut up" She says.
"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Cameron yells and we start playing music and dance.
Jennifer's POV
Geesh these guys are just to cute. And my best friends are sometimes suprising. More people started coming and dancing. Some people started to swim as well. All I did was dance and sing to the music. Pretty much everyone did. What was even awsome is that we had a D.J. so that was cool.
"Hey who want some real music up in here?" The dj says and everyone yells.
"YASSS!" Everyone says.
This is gonna be a long night. I went inside to relax a bit from all the dancing and stuff and Mathew then walks in and sits next to me.
"Hey why aren't u over there partying your ass off?" He asks and makes me giggle.
Mathew's POV
Geesh Jennifer is so cute when she giggles.
"Nothing I'm just a bit tired." She said and I nod.
I then all of a sudden had a plan. She is no longer gonna be tired after this.
I pick her up and walk over to the pool.
"Mathew what are u doi- Mathew don't u fuckin da-" Before she could finish I threw her in the pool.
She then came up for air.
"What the fuck Mathew." She says and I laugh.
She then splashes me. I decided to play with her a little.
"Oh u did not just wet my new jordans." I say pretending to be hurt.
"Well bitch it's wet and u can't do anything about it." And a smirks at me.
"Who said I wouldn't do anything." I took off my shoes an jumped in.
"NOO I'm sorry." She yells and swims a little farther.
I swim after her and she tried finding me but couldn't see me cause I was under water. I went up for air and hugged her by the waist.
"Who said u would get away." I smirk and bring her underwater.
I knew sh couldn't hold her breath that long so I gave her a quick peck on the lips and we go up for air.
"U kissed me." She said and I smile.
She then smiles.
"That was actually my first kiss." She says and I hug her.
Taylor's POV
I was partying all night and I just saw Maddie getting the cake but it looked heavy. She was about to drop it until I ran up to her and helped her.
"Do u need help?" I ask.
"No, I almost dropped the cake and ruined the party so yeah I'm fine." She says sarcastically.
"Suit yourself." I say and let go.
"Yes I need help dumass." She says and I laugh and help her.
"Get Jennifer over she has to blow out the candles." She says and went to get her.
I saw the pool with Mathew wierd.
"Jennifer hurry up its cake time." I whine like a little kid.
"Is it chocolate?" Mathew says like a little kid.
"Hell yeah it is." Jennifer says and I laugh.
They both get out of the pool and get changed into dry clothes.
She goes to the table and sits down and we put the huge cake in front of her.
"Now that's chocolate." Jennifer says and everyone laughs.
"Okay okay we are all here to celebrate someone special because it's her birthday, give a round of a plause to Jennifer." The dj says and everyone claps and cheers.
"Happy birthday to you
Cha cha cha
Happy birthday to you
Cha cha cha
Happy birthday dear Jennifer
Cha cha cha
Happy birthday to you" Everyone sings and Mathew randomly yells.
"CAKE TIME." He says.
Everyone gets a piece and u know I had to get a big piece.
I saw that maddie didn't get any cake. Now that ain't right. I cut my cake in half and give it to her.
"Here take it." I say.
"Thx." She says.
"Taylor I'm glad that I forgave u." She says and hugs me.
"I'm glad u did to." I say and hug her back.
Nash's POV
Uhh my stupid brother had to tell her I was wierd now for sure he is gonna die. I need to have maddie for my own not taylor's.
I then remebered it was jennifer's birthday. Now that gives me a chance. I start to drive over there and when I got there I saw Maddie throwing the trash outside. Now this is perfect.
I walk up behind her and tap her eyes.
"Taylor is that you." She says laughing a little.
"Nope and u won't be seeing him for a long time." I say smirking.
"What do u mean, Nash is that u." She says a little scared.
"Yup and you'll wish u wouldn't have ever met me."
"Let me go na-" Before she could finish I covered her mouth with a cloth and she passed out.
I took her over to my car and put her in the back seat.
Esmi's POV
I'm starting to get a little worried maddie hasn't come back yet. I tried texting her and calling but nothing.
"Hey Hayes I'm starting to get worried a little for maddie." I say.
"What do u mean wasn't she just throwing away th-" He then paused.
"What?" I ask.
"Fuck maddie must be with him right now." I say.
"Shouldn't u tell her dad." He asked.
"I guess." I say and get my phone.
E- Esmi
Md- maddie's dad

E- um maddie's dad we have a problem
Md- what's wrong what did maddie do
E- nothing we think your sister has been kidnapped
Md- What Esmi use your tracking device thing
Dum ass why didn't I do that. I start tracking her down but it was private. Shit Nash blocked it.

E- umm the kidnapper blocked her phone so I can't track her down
Md- I'll call the cops
E- Ok I'll end the party
I went over to Jennifer and told her everything.
"What she's been kidnapped how, THE PARTY IS OVER!" She yelled.

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