12) Goodbye

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Where was I? What is this squishy thing I'm lying on? It's certainly not my bed, but still, it's comfy. What's happening? Why was I so confused? Why did I have so many questions?!


Okay, Layla, lets think back...What do you last remember? Ummm...sitting on the tree in the forest...yes that definitely happened...and then Matt had been teaching me the invisibility spell...it didn't work completely and Matt said...Matt said...wait, Matt was interrupted...something alerted him...and then....flash! A green flash! Lot's of flashes...fighting...Matt...pain...it had hurt...like knives. Water...boat...Wait boat? What does a boat have to do with this? Yet it was definitely there... Men...Magicians...Magicians!

All of a sudden it all came back.
The fighting, the three men, the boat, running, flying...flowers...there had been so many flowers - blue violets. 

Oh my God.
My eyes snapped open and I flew up from where ever I was sleeping with a gasp. Whoa...Bad idea...head rush...

I blinked, the room I was in was fairly dim, the only light source came from the window. I clutched my hand to my head and closed my eyes dizzily.


A hand touched my shoulder gently and pushed me back down. I opened my eyes slowly and looked back into some bright green orbs.

"Matt?" I croaked.

What's wrong with my voice and why do I feel so...strange? Like I had run the marathon ten times over and then left out to bake in the sun.

But thank God Matt was with me, what if something had happened to him?

"Matt, are you okay? Did they hurt you? Are you hurt? Let me see you, What did they do to you?"  My words tumbled out of my mouth at my desperation and I leaned upwards to run an eye over his body to see if I could find anything out of the norm, but other then a few scratches and bruises he seemed alright. But still, what about internal damage? Who knows what that spell did to a person...

"Shhh, Layla, it's okay, I'm okay, everything's okay." Matt wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, stroking the ends of my hair with his hand. He pulled back to look at me "What you should be worrying about is your self. How do you feel?"

Matt frowned and moved so he was sitting next to me, on a sofa I realized, and put his arm around my waist as I sat up fully again, slowly this time.

"I'm fine," I replied automatically.

The truth was I felt drained and fragile, what was wrong with me?

"I don't believe you Layla."

Damn that guy could see past my lies so easily... 

"Tell me, honestly, how do you feel?"

I looked at him. His face was masked over with worry and his eyes were searching my face for any signs of un-comfort or pain. The corner of my mouth lifted into a half smile.

"A little drained, that's all, honestly, Matt what happened? The last thing I can clearly remember is that boat thing, the rest is kinda a blur, except for the flowers..."

I frowned at the foreign memory, I hated feeling so perplexed about everything.

Matt sighed and looked away.

"Well, after "the boat thing", we ran, well more like I ran carrying you, but anyway, we ran. The magicians were gaining on us, I didn't know what to do, I never felt so useless in my life! We flew for a bit, but that turned out to be not so good...then...nature decided to give us a helping hand...and we managed to escape, I teleported us here, the teachers lounge at school, it should be safe." Matt looked up to survey the room.

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