Lloyds Decision

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Zane POV-

I jumped off of Cole. Stumbling back tripping over my feet landing on my rear. Lloyds staring deep into my eyes, I feel myself start to tense up. Cole glances at me, but quickly goes back to staring at Lloyd, who is still 'frozen' by the doorway. Lloyds face is a bright red and his eyes are wide. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. He takes a couple steps back and closes the door. Leaving Cole and I alone.

I hear a small noise emit from Cole. I got up off the floor and slowly walked over to him, I saw his face was red and a tear was running down his face. I lightly gasp and frown, grabbing Coles hand, holding it in mine. He starts to sob, his sobs are soft and almost inaudible. I sit down right next to Cole and pull him into a hug. "Shh, it going to be fine, please stop with your crying it does not suit you, one bit" this was in fact the first time i've ever seen Cole cry. He wraps his arms around me.

After awhile of us comforting each other, he speaks up "I'm sorry Zane, I shouldnt be crying. Its so fucking stu-" I shake my head and cut him off "Cole listen, you have every right to cry. I know that your scared and concerned that Lloyd will tell the others and they won't accept our relationship. But if it makes you feel any better, I love you. And I won't let the others get to you." He looks up at me and smiles, his eyes still red and puffy from crying earlier. His raven black hair sticking a bit to his face from his tears and sweat.

I kiss his nose and chuckle. He blushes and chuckles, we hear the door open. I quickly stand up, I see Lloyd standing there with Kai . I glare at Lloyd for making Cole so uncomfortable. Lloyd looks down in shame for a quick moment then looks up at me. He opens his mouth and starts to speak "Zane... I...WE have something to tell you"

Me and Cole watch carefully as Lloyd grabs a hold of Kai's hand. Kai's face turns crimson, Kai spoke this time " Lloyd and I are...dating" he looks down at Lloyd and smiles. Cole and I look at each other in shock, then I saw Coles eyes light up with happiness. I smile at his reaction, I sit down next to Cole , taking his hand. A question popped into my head "have you told Jay, Nya or Sensei?" They look down and whisper a quick respond "no". I sighed and thought.

Well at least there's people we can trust with our relationship

~hello sorry i didnt update yestarday, my phone was taken away (oo, it rhymes) I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote, comment, whatever~



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