"Look, Niall, I know what you're a good guys, judging by what Olivia told me." Ethan says and I just want to hug my bother. "I know that you make her very very happy but I don't want her to get hurt." awwww, I think and smile. I've never heard Ethan being that nice to a guy that likes me more than friends.

"I would never hurt, Olivia." Niall promises him.

"You wouldn't, but I am afraid that your fame might hurt her at some point." Ethan explains himself. Yet again, I just want to hug my brother. He has always been protective over me but more like "Don't touch her" and not "Don't hurt her" like he is right now. It warms my heart knowing that he doesn't me to get hurt. I always knew that anyways but hearing it just makes me happy.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks.

"If you make it public, some people are going to hate her. You know that, I know that, Olivia knows that. Haters are always going to hate. She might be strong enough to ignore it, but not alone. What if she's getting hate and you're not around?" Ethan seems to be such an adult all of the sudden. Few months ago, he acted like a child and annoyed me in the car and now he's an adult.

Niall is speechless. He probably never thought about it and if he has, he doesn't want to admit it.

"What if she's not feeling well and you're not around? What if she need you and you're on the other side of the world? Have you ever thought about that?" Ethan wants to know.

Niall doesn't say something, either nods or shakes his head. "And?" Ethan asks.

"I will be with her as much as I can and if I can't, I will let her fly in." Niall says, his voice is strong and confident. He already has it all planned.

"What if she can't leave London? What if she has an exam the next day? She can't just leave and fly across the world because she misses you." Ethan really wants to test Niall.

"I will fly in." Niall says, his voice still strong and confident, even though he knows as much as I know that that won't be possible. He won't be able to just fly in when I miss him. He knows that, I know that. But I love the fact that he believes in that.

"What if you can't?" Ethan asks. Where did he get the questions from?, I ask myself. Ethan can't just pull questions like that out of his mind, so he maybe thought about that before today. Judging by how specific the questions are, he probably thought about them even fore I did. Actually, I never thought about them. What will happen if I need Niall and he won't be with me? Or what will happen if Niall need me and I won't be with him?

"I will try." Niall insure him.

"Good and Niall..." Ethan starts and I get get worried about what he might say next.


"Take care of her." Ethan says and my heart melts.

"I will." Niall promises. I feel tears building up and melting heart warming up. Still leaned agains the door and overwhelmed by what both just said, the door suddenly opens and I fall. Luckily Niall catches me before I can hit the ground. Instantly I wrap my arms around his neck. "Everything alright?" I ask embarrassed that they caught me spying on them.

"Yep." Niall smiles and helps me up on my feet again. Ethan takes a step back from us and to my surprise smiles.

"Don't forget the letter and goodnight." Ethan says and goes into his flat, closing the door behind him before I can say anything. I shrug, take Niall's hand and pull him back in my flat. I close the door behind us, lock it and then pull Niall to my bed. He sits down and I step between his legs.

"I heard everything." I smile at him and knee down.

"Really?" Niall asks sarcastically and I nod laughing. I kiss his cheek and get up to get my book. Niall stays sitting on my bed as I walk pass him to get the book that I am currently reading. Then I take his hand and lead him over to the side of my bed. I step on it and plop down in the middle. "What now?" Niall asks as he sits down. I lean back against the headboard and pet the side next to me. He leans back, stretches out his legs and puts his arms behind his head. I cuddle onto his side, and rest my head on his chest.

"I missed you." I admit and kiss his jawline.

"I missed you too." Niall smiles. I take my book and rest my head on his tummy. As it goes up and down, I read the book and Niall strokes my head. "I love this." he admits after a while.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Just being with you, watching you read. It's calming after a busy day you know?" He smiles.

"I know." I smile back. Hundred pages later, my eyes hurt and I sit up again. Niall fell asleep and I carefully kiss him. As soon as my lips hit his, he opens his eyes and pulls me onto his body. Instinctively, I put my legs on either side of his hips and sit down on his thighs cupping his face with my hands. When we pull apart to breathe Niall bites his lip.

"I-I should go down now." He whispers.

"I told you yesterday and I tell you now, don't." I kiss his neck. "Stay with me." I kiss his other side of his neck, knowing that it drives him crazy. Last night, he demanded to sleep on the floor, but tonight, I won't let him.

"But..." Niall tries to be a gentleman or whatever but I don't want him to leave me side. I want to sleep right next to him, feeling his hot skin against mine. I want to hear him breath and put my arm around his tummy. I want to feel his tummy go up and down as he quietly snores. I want to breath in his scent and know that he holds me tight.

"Stay." I place few kisses around his neck before attaching his lips to mine and he can't say no.

"Okay." Niall mumbles against my lips and pulls me closer to him.

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