1. Shoot Me Now

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He hated it.

Every little drop that fired into his forehead, that tickled his skin as it raced down his face, that itched constantly until he couldn't take it any longer and soaked the sleeve of his shirt by wiping it dry, he hated. It was undeniably this type of weather, the suffocating grey sky, the sickening lack of sunlight, the deafening noise of the rain pelting the pavement that was so loud he couldn't even hear himself think, that he hated most.

Thank god it was sunny today.

So why had Baekhyun been thinking of his uncontrollable hate for rain?
Because Baekhyun hated rain

Rain was water

Therefore Baekhyun hated water

And that mischievous little brat-of-a-dongsaeng Kai had just poured an entire bottle of it all over him.

"Ya!! What are you-?!" Baekhyun spluttered as the icy liquid enveloped him. He reacted quickly, smacking the plastic bottle away, and immediately dipping his head to the side, out of the path of the mini-Niagara-falls. Kai snorted and threw the empty bottle into the park bin which they were passing.

Kai had called up his Hyung to come for a stroll in the parklands somewhat situated in the heart of the city. It had sounded fairly suspicious to Baekhyun, considering Kai would definitely have picked Kyungsoo over him any other day, and definitely would have let go of his hand and let him fall into that swirling pool of lava when the apocalypse came, just to check that Kyungsoo didn't have a scratch on his face. It wasn't that Baekhyun despised Kai and Kyungsoo being together or anything, he was just sick of being a third wheel.

Baekhyun, still extremely grumpy that his perfectly styled hair was now ruined and would turn into a fluffy bird's nest any minute, death-stared Kai waiting for some kind of explanation to why he was dragged out here on his perfectly free Saturday morning.

"Hyung~..." Kai began to sing, that mischievous smirk creeping onto his face.

Baekhyun didn't like the sound of that.

Or that smile...

It was the same smile that he had when he tried to set him up with that really young-ish kid with the poker-face and a lisp...


"NO WAY!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he turned to stomp off in the other direction, but Kai caught his wrist just in time.
"Baek-Hyung!! Just try to meet him!" Kai whined as he began to drag him to the giant fountain in the middle of the park.

Ew. More water.

"No! That last time was bad enough! With that kid who practically made me feel like an ajussh-"

"Oh yeah. He's going out with some really cute Chinese guy now. He's like...twenty-two?"

"Twenty-two?!?! "

Baekhyun refused to sit on the concrete rim around the fountain because he could feel the droplets of water splash onto his back and it tickled.

"Why do you even want to get me together?!" His eyes narrowed and his brain triggered a completely stupid (but possible) train of thought.

"I know! You want to be alone with Kyungsoo so you're finding me someone so you can kick me out and so I have to share an apartment with them so you can be all lovey-dovey with your boyfriend so you don't have to worry about me getting in your way. Don't worry Kai, I'll just DIE ALONE and you don't have to worry about me being therefhdjskahfa..."

Kai let out an enormous sigh. Or was that a yawn.

Either way, it got on Baekhyun's nerves.

He shoved the other, who was sitting on the rim of the fountain because he was 'too manly' to worry about a couple of drops of water, into the fountain.
Baekhyun felt a little better as he watched Kai flail and scream in the cold dirty water. A bit of cursing here. A bit of swearing there. And he was a fairly sure he had heard a little i'm going to tell Kyungsoo to stop cooking your dinner in there as well. When Kai had finally pulled himself out of the fountain his face fell into utter dismay. He stared at something behind Baekhyun.

"If you guys wanted to cool off, you could have just gone to the water park down the road."

Baekhyun turned suddenly at the deep voice behind him, then squinted as he had to peer up into the person's shaded face. He thought he heard Kai mutter a small so much for a good first impression. Kai walked up next to him, wringing out his wet shirt, showing a little bit of his toned stomach and causing some stupid girls walking by to squeal.

"Chanyeol, this is Baekhyun. Baekhyun, this is Chanyeol."

Oh great. Baekhyun loved 'Ping-Pong' introductions.

Chanyeol held out his hand and Baekhyun reluctantly shook it.

"Well," Kai began again, that mischievous grin creeping onto his face again, "I'm going home to dry off. Enjoy your time together!" Before Baekhyun could open his mouth in protest, Kai had skipped away, running his hand through his hair and making the girls he walked past swoon.

He was definitely telling Kyungsoo about that.

He and Chanyeol just stood there.



Awkward Silence.

Say something Baekhyun!

"Please shoot me now."

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