Chapter 9

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Ghastly's P.O.V

I wake up rather groggily in Razza's arms. I feel light-headed for some reason, and my chest still aches.

Razza is sitting in a chair by the window that is overlooking the sea, with a content look on his face. But then he suddenly frowns, as if he just thought of something he had forgotten, or had just realised something.

"Hey Razza..." I say.

Razza starts slightly, then turns his head to look down at me. He smiles a bit.

"'Sup Ghastly. How you feeling?"

I rub my face rather blearily with my hands. I yawn a little.

"A little light-headed and my chest still hurts a bit, but other than that, I'm fine."

Razza just stares at me for a few seconds without saying anything, his expression unreadable. I'm start to ask him what's wrong when he shakes his head and picks me up gently, carrying me back over to the bed.

He sets me down on the bed and crouches down in front of me. He is really frowning now as he looks me in the eyes, concern written clearly over his face.

"Razza, what's wrong?"

He blinks and then sighs, running a hand through his spiky black hair.

"Ghastly, I am so sorry..."

It's my turn to blink now and look confused.

"What for?"

He stares me hard in the eyes.

"Do you remember anything? Anything at all? What is your last memory before yesterday?"

I frown slightly, trying to remember.

"It's rather blurry but... I think it was the forest? We were surrounded by enemies... but if that's true Razza, then how did we escape?" I start to feel panic well up inside me.

"How long was I out? Are we at the Empire? Did they catch us?!"

Razza hurries to assure me, "Whoa, slow down! We're fine Ghastly! We're not at the Empire, and they didn't catch us. I made sure of that."

I take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself.

"Okay, so if we're not at the Empire, then where are we?" I ask, still shaking.

Razza is about to answer when I hear a familiar-sounding voice.

"You are at the last standing remains of the magical race of the Bytay- my home."

We both turn our heads to see a tall figure standing in the doorway. Looking closer, I can see that the man is a hybrid- a mix between an Endermen, a race long thought extinct, and a human. The human side of his face looked slightly familiar, but I can't quite place it at the moment.

"Who are you?"

The figure walks into the room draws a chair each for both himself and my older brother, and they both sit down facing the bed. As they do so, I notice that the stranger's eyes are different colours.

"My name, though long-forgotten to this world, is Drake Jackson. Though your brother seems to think that my name is Ender." he nods at Razza.

Razza sits up a bit in his chair.

"Well, I had only thought that because-"

"You saw my face and assumed? Don't lie to me boy. As I already told you, your thoughts are as clear as day to me. You were told that by someone, someone who obviously does not want you knowing the truth."

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