Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty


Sneaking out of the palace was simple, and easily executed. The fact that the guards were so easily snuck past was a bit unnerving, but my real concern was traveling to the BiFrost.

I decided getting a horse would be too much trouble, meaning I would have to figure out how Loki teleported or walk the distance. This situation proved to be more difficult than I expected, as my magic was incredibly limited and I wasn't incredibly fit. Finally, my body gave up the exercise, and I decided on trying magic.

In Valhalla's name, Lienna, couldn't you have just stayed? Couldn't you have let Odin send a warrior down? one half of me screamed.

I bit into my lip so hard I tasted blood. Focus, focus. I closed my eyes, forcing every bit of doubt I had into focus, on the BiFrost and getting there. Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet was gone, and I was filled with a lifting sensation.

This simply cannot be real, I thought. In a rush, my weight returned and I could feel the ground beneath my feet. I opened my eyes to see the BiFrost around me.

"The gods are looking out for me," I whispered. So far, everything had been going quite well. I could only pray everything else went this well.

I stepped up to Heimdall's sword and wrapped my hands around its thick hilt.

"Away you go, Lienna," I said to myself. I lifted the sword and slammed it down, activating the BiFrost.

I held my breath as the BiFrost lit up, filling my head with swirling colors and a loud sound that rattled my bones. For a moment that seemed like an hour, I couldn't breathe and it felt as though my soul was being separated from my body. Then I made contact with the ground.

Welcome to Midga- My thoughts were interrupted by some obscene shouting.

I stood up to face whoever was shouting, confused. Who could possibly be so rude?

"Hey! Get your drunk-" the man began.

"Excuse me?" I asked him.

He whistled. "Maybe I can excuse you if I..." The man trailed off, reaching his hand towards my backside.

Instinctively, I spun around and my fist connected with his jaw. He flew a few feet from the impact and began to cry. People crowded around us, asking questions and staring at me.

"Lienna?" I heard a familiar voice ask when the croud seemed ready to riot.

"Odin's beard, Jane?" I asked, searching the crowd for her.

She stepped close to me. "It's okay, everybody," she addressed the crowd. "Nothing to see here, just a little misunderstanding."

The people dispersed, muttering statements of disdain and disappointment.

"Thank goodness you found me, Jane," I thanked her. "They seemed ridiculously overheated and that man... tried to touch me..."

Jane nodded sympathetically. "Welcome to New York. Now, uh, what are you doing here?"

She hasn't seen Loki? "I will explain it to you once we're away from here."

"Oh, yeah, of course," Jane said, suddenly realizing where we were, wherever here was. "Come on, I'll take you to where Thor and I are staying."

I nodded, following after her. New York, as Jane called it, was overflowing with people and sights and sounds and smells I couldn't believe they could live with but seemed to anyway.

Jane stopped in front of a tower that seemed to rival the palace. "This is home sweet home."

I gave her a lopsided smile.

She pressed a button. "Come on, Jarvis. It's Jane."

"Yes, but I have no recollection of the woman with you. She's not of earth stature or likeness, and neither is her anatomy," the voice named Jarvis said.

"She's a friend," Jane explained. "Trust me, she isn't about to topple Tony Stark's empire or anything. Just let us in, I have alot of stuff in my hands."

"One second," Jarvis, the voice, informed us. The door slid open and Jane stepped in. I followed her, not wanting to spend any more time with wild Midgardians like New Yorkers.

"Oh, right! Lienna, this is Stark Tower." Jane gestured to the impressive room. "Or at least part of it."

I nodded. "I almost did not believe the Midgardians from the realm of New York were intelligent."

Jane laughed. "Yeah, that was a pretty bad first experience. They're not all that bad." She set down what she was carrying and guided me into another room.

Thor nearly choked on what he was drinking as he watched us walk in. "Lienna?"

"Hello," I said quietly. Do none of them know about Loki?

Thor stood up quickly, examining me to see if I was really standing in front of him. "What are you doing on Midgard?"

"I have much to tell you," I began.

I was interrupted once again by a door slamming open.

"Suit up, Thor. Your brother is back," a man said.

Thor dropped his glass. "Lienna, did you bring him with you?"

"That was actually my reason for coming. Loki disappeared, and Heimdall traced him to here..." I trailed off, suddenly embarrassed about my husband's whereabouts.

The new man pointed at me. "Who is she, and why is she in my house?"

"I- I am Lienna of Asgard, and I have come seeking Loki. Jane brought me here upon my arrival in Midgard."

He looked at Thor. "Do you know her?"

"Yes, of course," Thor replied.

"Well, if you're Asgardian and you're not aiming to throw me out a window, we can consider ourselves colleagues. Tony Stark." He offered his hand, which I shook politely.

"I am Lienna, daughter of Moren the Great and," I bit my lip.

"Any time now. We have a space fugitive on our hands," Tony urged.

"I am the wife of Loki," I replied.

His eyes widened. "That bastard could get a wife..."

I cleared my throat. "Earlier today, I broke a man's jaw for touching me. I suggest you watch your words."

Tony looked at Thor. "She's feisty. I like her. Now, we need to get back to Loki."

Thor nodded, sticking his hand out. As I expected, Mjolnir came to his call.

"Lienna, if you have any armor, I recommend wearing it now," Tony said.

"Do you really believe that I would need armor to speak to my husband?" I asked incredulously.

"Suit yourself," Tony shrugged. "We have a god to catch, and I don't want to get killed doing it."






I'm excited for the next update omg also Lienna made it to Midgard! sorry this chapter seems rushed and kind of bad, I promise the next chapter will be better!

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting!

lots of love,

Chosen // loki laufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now