Chapter 14

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Y/N Pov*
It's been a week , a week since Camila told everyone well Austin did but you know what I mean, they told the hole school I had my first kiss, my first kiss at the age of 18, what's so bad about that? I've never had a girlfriend, I've never had a crush until 6th grade when I met Camila, I've never had dirty thoughts well I have but they haven't gone so far for me you know, you get my point, I haven't been outside my house only to drop Alexa at school go pick her up and for some groceries and movies and games at the GameStop store, I know y/n why do you let them get to you? Well it's just all my life I've been bullied in school why? Cause I like to use shirts with ties or suspenders, or a bow yes a bow, pants I use skinny jeans sometimes, yes I have clothes of my own age, and well for Alexa she likes to wear dresses with bows or what kids use their age most of the time dresses or skirts, ah I have to go pick up my school work hope no one is there.
I parked in the schools parking lot and walked in huh everyone left! Thank god! I walked to the office "hello ms. Smith" I greeted the office lady she's always been so kind to me since day one "hi there y/n how have you been?" "Kinda better still can't get over it" she gave me a small smile and handed me my homework "well just so you know I'm not sure though Camila broke up with that Austin guy" whaaaaa she say? Why would she do that? I mean they've been together since freshmen year "chinga sus tacos! Are you serious?"  She nodded looking at me "yeah I couldn't believe it to maybe you have a chance now" she winked at me holy shit what if I do!! "But..what if she hurts me? I mean you know I've never had a girlfriend" i putted the papers in my binder "then that will be your first love experience dear you have to take a risk"mm she's right "your right maybe I will well thank you! See you on Monday!" "Bye y/n!" What a lovely chat if she wasn't old maybe if asked on a date OKAY ILL JUST STOP
I walked to my locker it has milk-soda boy on it with sharpie why are they so mean? Oh well I unlocked it and saw to many notes
I miss you
Please come back
I love you come back!
I know your combination and I will use it!!
Okay that last one was weird
Come back I miss you
I love you comeback
Okay is this a joke or something "HA HA very funny guys come out! I know there's someone there!" Quiet maybe no one is here maybe I'm crazy? I Locked my locker again and picked my bag putting in on my shoulder walking out I turned around holy shit are they trying I kill me!? "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" "Wait why are you wearing a mask? " omg there going to kidnap you and kill you run!! "T-there g-gonna k-kill me!!!" I yelled and started running she or he idc started chasing me I looked back it runs fast! "Leave me alone!!" I kept running I banged my head against the door making me fall back "f-fuck! Did I made it?" "No you didn't" I looked up and got up I started walking back and the person to walk to me until I felt my back hit the wall "what d-do you want?" It cupped my cheek's a girls hand wait this touch.."c-Camila?" She pulled her hand away "how did you know?" I took the mask off her face "your hand it's soft how could I forget how do your touch feel?" She blushed awww no wait! You hate her!
"You remember my touch?" I nodded looking down "why?" I looked up again and smiled "cause your the first girl to get near me besides Dinah so yeah" she smiled "why did you try to give me a heart attack?" "I didn't know someone else was here and I had to leave a note" I nodded wait a note? "Are you the one that left notes in my locker?" Her eyes widen and her face got red "y-yeah l-look I'm really sorry" oh now she's sorry? "Now your sorry Camila? After you embarrassed me not one but twice infront of the hole school and you let Austin beat me till I could barley move!! You lied that I followed you Camila!!" She hugged me "why are you doing this to me!?" I felt her hug me tighter  "why Camila!?" "Cause I love you.." I felt my self froze she loves me? She's joking right? "I've loved you since 6th grade I've had a crush on you for so long y/n..I never meant what I said when I did does things I'm sorry.." I hugged her back "your joking right..? Please Camila don't play with me I've never fallen in love" holy shit I just said in love that means! "I-I mean I-I've-" "shhh it's alright" she gave me a small smile "would you go on a date with me Camila?" Confidence grew out of me! Yaaass! "I would love to y/n!" She said and kissed me her eyes closed what do I do!? Think y/n think!! She mumbled threw the kiss "kiss me back" I nodded and moved my lips with her they feel soft they taste like bananas I could kiss her all day but air became a problem "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 a-alright? No! Wait! I need a babysitter!" She giggled best sound ever "my mom can take care of her babe calm down" babe? I like the sound of that "alright cami" I smiled and pecked her lips again don't judge I've never kissed someone! It feels good! I feel like a zoo in my tummy! "So I'll see you at 7 babe later handsome" she smiled and walked away "she's gonna be the death of me I swear.." I looked at my phone 1:10 pm, shit Alexa I'm late!!
I ran out to my car and drove to her school.
I walked out of my car and ran to her classroom "Alexa!?" She's the last one I feel bad "your late" she's mad yep and yeah I get whipped by my six year old sister "I can explain I swear babe" she looked up and me and handed me her bag "what is it?" I smiled at her and got on my knee "I got a date tomorrow Alexa and I talked to her at school that's why I was late I'm sorry-"you got a date bromad your first date!!" She hugged me tackling me to the floor I started laughing "I know babe! Cmon lets go home and eat icecream" she got on my shoulders and walked up the car.
We got to the house and ate a lot of icecream and had a little party I told Alexa that she's going
To Sophie's tomorrow and she got happy/mad, mad cause I told her who my date was but she said she would kick her butt if she did something to me I told her everything would be alright I just can't wait for tomorrow!! I texted Camila to wear something casual Alexa believe it or not she's helping me plan this date my first date with Camila..the Camila cabello popular girl of the school..
You got a date tomorrow! THANK YOU guys for reading hope your liking the drama and all that?? I suck at this lol thank you have a nice day adios!

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