There was a mumble of agreement among the remaining people, out of the seventy or so patrons, only eight were left.

The man on stage smiled, showing perfectly straight teeth except for his incisors that were longer and much sharper than the rest of them. I gulped, as the realization slowly dawned on me as to what had happened. These were not humans and this was not a normal bar at all.

He paused, smiling in satisfaction before he stopped and the happy smirk on his face vanished. "It appears that we've missed one..." he noted, "This one is very good at hiding..." I didn't get too scared until he jerked his head and stared right at me.

Oh... shit. Now, I was screwed. Since the seven others in the room all turned their heads to stare as well.

The man continued to smirk at me, as I realized I couldn't take my eyes off his. Come out here, little one, we won't hurt you. His lips didn't even move, his voice was only in my mind and I found myself wanting to follow the order. I took one step forward before I realized what I was doing. I didn't want to do this! His voice was softer in my head now as I tried my hardest to not listen. Come now... his voice was a deep baritone, very coaxing. I was sweating in my attempt to not follow the order, my leg was up in the air, as he tried to get me to step forward and I tried to get myself to step back. I knew he was lying to me. If I went near him, he would kill me just like everyone else in this place. I didn't want to die... at least, not without a fight. I would not go like the cow to the slaughter.

With strength I didn't even know I possessed, I jerked my eyes away from his and screamed "NO!" at the top of my lungs, "I will NOT." I stomped my foot on the floor and stood my ground.

His eyes narrowed.

"If you want me, come get me, bloodsucker!"I taunted, speaking before I could really think about what I was saying.

I gulped at the look on his face, his eyes flashed red and his face contorted cruelly.

"You want to play, human?" he asked, his voice held a slight lisp due to the fangs in his mouth, "Very well... we will play then." With a single nod the seven others began stalking towards me. My mind raced as I quickly tried to come up with some sort of plan. It was then that I remembered the small pocket knife I had hidden in the secret pocket of my skirt, I brought it everywhere with me. I scrambled to get hold of it before one of the things coming towards me could get close enough to do much harm. I grasped it tightly in my sweaty hand and brandished it threateningly in front of me. It might not be much and it might not save me from a bunch of hungry vampires, but it was better than nothing.

I gasped as I was suddenly grabbed from behind and shoved into a masculine chest. My captor chuckled darkly, his mouth inches from my ear. The sound made me shiver uncontrollably for a few seconds, "Do you think that puny little knife will do anything, human?" he asked, tracing his hand lightly down my arms to rest on my right hand, the one currently holding the knife in a vice like grip. "Unless this knife is made of pure silver, it will do nothing, but piss me or anyone else that you use it against off. Now, I'm already a bit pissed that you  managed to survive all of this and now know way too much,  do you really want to make me angrier?"

"I suppose you're right... but, what does it matter what I know now? Since, you're planning on killing me anyway."

"Just because I've captured you and have you in my grasp, doesn't mean I want to kill you." I could hear the amused smirk in his voice.

The words stunned me. What the hell did that mean?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sharp pain in my right wrist; he was squeezing it in an attempt to get me to drop the knife, but I refused to back down; he chuckled again, "I guess you would rather me break your wrist then give up your pathetic excuse for a weapon. Very well."

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