Chapter 7

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"I think she is waking up."

"No, she is still asleep."

"But she looks like she is waking up."

"I know."

"So is she awake or asleep? I need to know!"

"Well, give her a few minutes, I shall go and check her monitor but you will just have to be patient."

"Can I wait here until she is awake?"

"Well, I haven't been able to stop you in the past 3 weeks that you have been waiting so you might aswell."

"Thanks Doctor Hade!"

"I will back back soon."

"I shall be here!"

Silence in the room.

"Huh?" I feel crap. There is someone close. Very close. I can sense them.I can't open my eyes because they are too heavy. I can only just say random sounds.

"AMY!" I heard someone sigh from releif. They were so close, I can feel their breath on my skin.

"Joel. I don't want Joel." I whispered. I still couldn't see or move but I just kept on remembering the last scene. I was 13. Going out with the hottest guy in school. Will Quaila. The fit, hot rugby player. The one that every girl dreams about. I was at Joel's house. Will was invited as well becasue all three of us are best friends. He was ill. Then Joel and I were alone, his older sister at work, his dad at the football ground and his mum in Scotland. Then we kissed. When I had kissed Will, I didn't feel any sparks. I knew that only happened in the films and books but not in reality. But just the small peck and I felt different with Joel. I knew it was just from shock but it was still wierd.  Will didn't know about that inciddent. We agreed on never talking about it again.

"Well, hello to you to. Bezzie mate." His breath still tickled my face. His voice full of laughter and I could imagine him smirking at me. I managed to open my eyes then. It was painfully hard because it felt like 2 heavy weights were on them. When I looked at him, his face was right infront mine. His amazing, blue-grey eyes boring into mine. I try to smile but it is too much effort.

"I missed your lovely blue eyes." He wispered. He still hadn't blinked.

"Joel, where am I?" I croaked.


"Where is my sole?"

"Umm.... How hard did that car hit you?" His voice low and sexy.


"Nevermind. What did you mean by ' Joel. I don't want Joel'?" He put on a high voice for the end bit.

"Well, ummm. You know when we were 10 and you rented the scary 15 film at your house and then we ermmm, in the kitchen um errrrr, ki..."I stammered.Not daring to break our constant eye contact.


"Would you freak out if I told you that I visited that scene when I was in my come trying to escape the  devil?" I felt something wet roll down my cheek.There was a knock at the door but Joel didn't pull away his hands on my cheek and his eye contact.

" Doctor Hade, she is awake but i think she has a concussion." Joel said worriedly, still not letting me go. I felt safe with him there. I lifted my arms so i could hug him. I failed. I only manage to get my hands on the back of his neck and then slide down his back and ended up dropping to where they used to be. Joel smirked at me then and drew back. I felt cold when he sat down on the chair. But he then revieledsomeone standing behind him. Will...


Lol, cliffhanger  much.

Take that esme


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