Chapter 3 It was a trap

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"You look gorgeous to night Kate Just wants me to have you more So when are we going to bond baby "He said with confidence.

Nate's hand around my shoulder tightened immediately as he knew i was scared.The young innocent girl that i was so long ago was back and i was a scared little weak link .

But i cant be that in fact no i wont be that..

"Say it again and ill rip your throat out "Nate snapped

"Is she your Mate?"Kane snapped

"No she is not i am her protector and best friend "

"Oh right and watch your tone with me "

"Why the hell should i you are on our territory and fuck its no big secret you were uninvited and nobody even like you here the only reason you are here because you wanted to make A new peace treaty"

"I am Alpha you will treat me with respect"

"Son calm down we aren't here to start a war "

"No father i will be respected"

"Like hell i will ever respect piece of shit you are trying to take my best friend and future Luna away from me and hurt her and i am her protector anybody that hurts her an they will have a death certificate signed "

"I second that "My father said

My entire family and pack had grins on their face but i didn't i knew this would only infuriate Kane more and i knew eventually one day their would be a war but i just dont know when.

I hate how Nate always has to protect me he isn't my mate i know that for a fact but he treats me like one But he treats me like i am his little sister as well.

The reason i know i am not his mate is because his mate rejected him for some Alpha she thought she had a chance with.Plus i never the sparks and you get them at any age.But as she wolfs turn 16 the mate bond will become strong between the mates.

In the end fate brings them together.

Hell my parents met on the battlefield their packs where fighting and my mother was the betas daughter but her parents apparently 'Died' along with the Alpha and Luna.

Who were my grandparents and like grand auntie and uncle sort of.So when they went missing presumed dead my parent went to war my father saw an opportunity and he took it.

Lucky he did or they would never have meet my mum and her pack where about to leave for new territory on the other side of the country.

So thats how their story of finding each other happened i just hope i find my mate and he actually likes me.

"Kate are you ok??"Nate asked looking at me with a worried look

I nodded "I am fine"

I looked down at daisy who was curled up into me and pulled her up to my chest and i kissed her forehead as she snuggled into my neck.

"Does this mean you wont b-e hu-gg-ing me any -mo-re Kate?"Hayden asked sadly

"What no buddy i will still hug you and carry you everywhere that's a promise after all you are my favorite brother"

"HEY"All my brother yelled at once.

"Sorry boys cutest before idiots "

They all acted sad and started pouting and sulking.

"W hos ready for dinner??" My mother called

Then all of the waiters came out with all of the food.

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