Michael sighed, nodding. "I asked Ami to go on a date with me tonight and I really need the apartment to myself for it to work out perfectly, so I was wondering if maybe you guys could crash somewhere else tonight?" Michael finished his sentence quickly, though it sounded more like a question.

"Okay, we literally don't have any other friends, it's not like we can stay at someone else's place." Ashton said aloud, rolling his eyes.

"And we can barely afford rent. There's no way we can pay for a motel room of some kind." Calum added in.

"Please," Michael begged, tugging on Ashton's bare foot. "I'll do anything, please, this means a lot to me."

Although they wouldn't have admitted it due to wanting to keep their sense of masculinity, the boys all cared deeply for Michael. He rarely ever showed interest in anything, so when he did, they made sure to make it last as long as possible. They enjoyed seeing him happy, so they agreed.

The three of them shared a look, before Ashton sighed. "I guess we could somehow make it work."

"Oh my God, thank you!" Michael giggled, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Stop being weird and go plan your date," Calum sighed, rubbing Michael's spit off of his face.

"Okay," Michael chirped, heading to his room.


It was around 5pm later that day, an hour before Michael had told Ami to show up.

The boys had left while Michael was in the shower, yelling at him to "use protection." They obviously were thinking the opposite of Michael when it came to what the night would consist of.

After he towel-dried most of his hair, Michael ran into his room and threw on skinny jeans and a long-sleeved grey sweater. He usually just wore muscle tanks, but he wanted to dress up a little bit for Ami.

He sprayed a little too much axe on himself (the nerves getting to him), and quickly brushed his teeth.

He ran out of their shared bathroom into the small hallway, throwing open the closet door at the end of it. He grabbed a few of the softest sheets he could find, carrying them into the living room. He grabbed one of them and taped a corner to the ceiling fan, tucking the bottom two into the couch cushions so it made a sort-of canopy. He did this on the sides too, and the end product resembled a cave.

He smiled at his work then ran into each of their rooms, grabbing every pillow in sight.

He made it back into the living room, strategically placing them in a messy-looking array on the carpeted floor.

The doorbell rang soon after, and Michael opened it, giving the pizza boy a scrunched up 10 dollar bill. He then grabbed the box and ran back to his fort. 

Michael placed the steaming cardboard box underneath it, grabbing some napkins as well.

He picked out random Disney movies from the collection Luke had stored away in his closet, and placed them by the food.

Pretty soon, Ami had texted Michael that she had arrived, not a second before the doorbell rang.

Michael giggled out of excitement, running to the door. He took a deep breath, smiling to himself before he opened it.

He liked this exhilarating feeling, for some odd reason.

"Hi," Michael grinned at Ami, immediately wrapping his arms around her waist. Her hair smelt of honey and coconut as it brushed softly against his face.

"Hi," she giggled in return, taking off her shoes by the door. "What do you have planned for us tonight?"

He took her hand softly, his smile never leaving his face. "Now, you'll have to see, won't you?"

She rolled her eyes at him but followed along anyways, her eyes lighting up as she took in the sight before him.

Her heart swelled, seeing the effort she knew Michael had put into this date -- into making her happy. No one had done that for her in a long time, and it placed a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"So," Michael laughed nervously, breaking their hold to wipe his sweaty hand on his jeans. "What do you think?"

"I think I love it, oh my God," Ami grinned widely, looping her arms behind Michael's neck and giving him a peck on the lips. "Thank you."

"It was no problem," Michael tried to play it off, but Ami gave him a look.

He blushed and nodded his head towards the fort, pulling her in after him.

She settled down in between his legs, leaning into his warm chest.

"So," Michael asked, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Which movie shall we watch first, m'lady?"

Ami laughed loudly, leaning her head back to look up at him. "You're such a dork."

Michael pouted his lips, but ended up laughing.

Ami giggled. "You're cute."

His cheeks tinted red immediately. "Go on and pick your movie, loser."

Okay," she laughed, leaning forward and looking at the selection. "I choose The Princess And The Frog."

"Fuck yes," Michael cheered, making Ami smile. She loved being around him.

"Put it in, dude!" She shoved him towards Michael's laptop, which sat on the ground.

He put the movie in and dimmed the lights, giving each of them a few slices of pizza.

About thirty minutes into the movie, Ami and Michael were cuddled up among the mess of pillows. "This was really great. Thank you, Michael."

"It's no problem, babe," he waved it off, secretly ecstatic that she loved it.

"No, really," Ami quietly said. "It means a lot."

Michael smiled and hugged her closer to him, resting his chin on top of her head. "You mean a lot, bub."

Ami's heart lurched, and she couldn't stop from smiling. "You do too."



okay to clear some things up
- ami's name is pronounced like amy, it just has an 'i' (idk people were asking)
- i suck at writing
- i love u all so much like wow


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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