Chapter 4

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Jonathan POV
The text tone on my phone scared me, I recognized that ring tone. I picked up the phone to see I was added in a group chat and it was Craig texting 'Anyone on?' And a whole bunch of responses came back, including mine.


C: Anyone on?

T: Getting on Fucker!

M: Is it necessary? It's Monday tomorrow!

T: Yes it is! Now get your ass on Xbox Marcel!

D: I was helping me mom make potato salad :(

J: Why are you blowing up my phone?

T: Who the fuck are you!?

E: That's Jon, Tyler. I have his number and I added him XD

T: Fucker! Tell us next time!

L: Can I eat my cheerio's in peace?! >:(

E: Let's just all get on Xbox, you too David.

D: :(
I shut off my phone and sit in my office chair, turning on my Xbox and trying to turn on my mic but it needs batteries.
J: Hang on, I have to change the batteries in my headset.

Evan POV
My phone buzzed because of a text from Jonathan. 'Hang on, let me change the batteries in my headset.' "His headset uses batteries?" Marcel laughed.

"Evidently." I responded as I turned on my recording.

"So, what do you guys think about this Sydney girl?" Tyler brought up.

"Sydney?" I asked

"Yeah, a new girl down the street from my house. I'll send you a pick Evan." Tyler said and my phone buzzed. The girl looked about my age and had kind of a blondeish-brownish hair style.

"Call dibs, Evan?" Marcel smirked through Skype.

"No. One of you can have her." I said plainly and deleted the photo from my phone.

"Seriously? That's like one hot chick!"

"Yeah, but not really my type."

"Then what is your type? Guys or Girls?"

"Actually, I don't know." I said trying to hide the image of that girl. She was cute but not cute for my liking. It was a debate between her or Jon. Wait...Why Jon? Why did that-

"Earth to Evan? Hello?" Craig said and I jumped.

"What?" I snapped and they looked surprised.

"Jon's back." Tyler said and Jon waved.

"He already got Skype?"

"We told him to, when you were spacing out." Marcel laughed.

"Ok, where's David?"

Jonathan POV

"Ok, Where's David?" Evan asked and I shrugged.

"He said he really wanted some of that potato salad." I said and Evan nodded.

"Who's ready to play GTA?" Tyler yelled and I giggled.

~Time Skip~

"*yawn*, is anyone still there?" Evan yawned. That was cute.

"Me...sort of.." Craig said.

"I think Tyler...fell asleep." I said and looked at his character running into a wall.

"What makes you think that?" Each said with one eye open.

"His characters been running in place for an hour." I giggled and shut off my Xbox.

"Who will be at school tomorrow?" I asked and Craig raised his hand before his head fell on the table, waking up Tyler.

"Where the fuck? Oh. It's just you guys." He said and rubbed his eyes. I glanced over at the clock and my eyes widened as I let out an annoyed groan.

"Guys, it's 5:30 in the morning. I don't think I'll be at school tomorrow."

"Missing your second day of school, Jon?" Evan asked worried.

"Oh, yes he is." My mother growled.

I slowly turned in my chair to see my mom with bags under her eyes and bed hair.

"See ya Jon." Tyler and Craig hung up except for Evan and Marcel. Marcel didn't count cause he was asleep.

"Hi mom...heh heh." I laughed nervously and adjusted my mask. She stopped over and pulled off my mask. I quickly shut off my camera so Evan doesn't see it and my mom lightly hits me.

"Jonathan Caleb Denis, You're grounded."

"What?! Mom! It was an accident!" I argued and she shook her head.

"Accident or not! You get in that bed and go to sleep. Because of you, you'll miss school tomorrow!" She yelled and I nodded.


"I have to shut off my stuff!"

"I don't care! Now get in bed before I force you just like dad- *gasp*" She covers her mouth as tears escape my eyes.

"J-Jon." She stuttered as I shut off my things and got in bed.

"Go away.." I whispered and I heard her walk over.


"I said get out!" I yelled and I heard her leave. I shut off my lamp and curled up into a ball under the covers. I close my eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, and luckily it works.

3rd Person POV

In his nightmare, he hurried down an endless corridor lined with books. Shelf on shelf they towered over his head, leaning out, frowning down, disapproving. He knew they wanted to fall on him and crush him.

Nervous, he walked a bit faster, whisking he had a ladder to climb up to them, the thousands of heavy volumes, the folios, encyclopedias, vast flat atlases, thin silver of poetry. There were books found in many different languages he didn't even know existed. The falling of 2 shelves is what woke him from his thoughts. Then the laugh he knew for to many years was heard, "Come here, son." The man snickered. Jon ran but ever so quietly to make sure the man didn't find him. "I have you know!" He yelled from a corner.

Jonathan POV

I woke up breathing heavily, it was a god damn nightmare again. A soft knock was at my door and I can only guess who it is. "Come in." I demanded and the door opened.

"Breakfast is ready." My mom smiled and I huffed.

"Are you going to school today?" She asked and I shook my head. "Stayed up too late."

"Listen, I know what I said upset you. I know we've had problems with dad in the past but we can resolve them right?" She smiled and I shrugged.

I hugged my Evan-bear tight as my breathing slowed down.

"What's that?" My mom peered over and took a look at the bear. She giggled and that made me smile.

"Sorry I yelled at you, mom." I apologized and hugged her.

"We all make mistakes, but you have so much make up work to do tomorrow." She said and I nodded.


"Goodnight honey." She smiled and left.

I cuddled my bear and started to fall asleep again when a knock was heard at my window.

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