Chapter 32

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Ok so I decided this story is focused on Roc and Teyana. Im gonna have 3 other stories For Ray Ray, Prodigy, and Princeton since you guys want more books. Im Gonna have a cast call soon so look out for that . But yeaahh... COMMENT , FOLLOW , & VOTE ♡

✘Teyana's POV ✘

Today me and Roc went Baby shopping ! We got Noah the cutest little onesies ! I cant wait till he's here in my arms ! Me and Roc went in the baby's room to tidy up. When we were finished we stepped back and looked at what we just did. I say we did a hella good job."Turnt out pretty good. What you think ? " he asked me. "I love it ! " I went over and kissed him passionately.He whispered in my neck "Damn baby you wet already ?" He smirked. "Roc... "I looked down in shock. "Yes" He said still kissing my neck. "Don't panic okay?... ". "For what ? " He asked. " My water... just broke" I said calmly. He started breathing heavy and screaming " Call 933 ! No thats not it ! Damn you T whats the number to 911 !? Oh my g-" Before he could get his last words out I slapped him. "Roc get me to the damn hospital Retard ! " I demanded. The pains started running in. "You not finna mess up my leather !"



She grabbed me by my ear " Roc if im not in that car in 2.5 seconds ! " she yelled. "Okay okay " I held her back as we walked to the car. I shot towards the hospital. " Deep breaths baby" I reminded her. "Shut up! " . Well Damn ! When we arrived at the hospital a team of nurses came, put T in a wheel chair, and led us to a delivery room. The doctor came in and looked at her. " Mrs. August you are 4 centimeters dilated , and we can start pushing at 10. I'll be back in a- " BIG MISTAKE ! (0.0) she grabbed him by his collar over to the bed. "Get him out NOW ! " . I helped him away from her. "T calm down you cant push now" I said calmly. She started crying. Awww what to do !? "T don't cry please" I begged. "Shut up ! You did this to me ! " she said through gritted teeth. Who knew T could be so aggressive?

☜Two Hours Later☜

Im going crazy ! They need to get Noah out NOW! Me and T are both sweating bullets. "Ok Mrs.August Big big push " the doctor instructed. T squeezed the life out of my hand and let out this brain shaking scream. Worst Ten seconds of my life ! A nurse walked in between a push. "Ma'am there are other patients on this floor im gonna need you to quiet down". "Well you could get out!" " Teyana one more Big push I can see the head !" the Doc said. She pushed one more time when her screams were interrupted by the cries of a baby. Noah. But Teyana was still in pain. "Why am I still hurting !?" She yelled at the doctor. She still had my hand in hers. "Ouch ! T damn ! " I winced. "There's something there" Doc said in shock. Out if no where T started pushing again. "Its another baby ! " The doctor shouted. T just kept pushing and MURDERING MY HAND ! Just moments later there was another baby. "Its a girl" the doctor said as T caught her breath. I planted a kiss on her forehead " You did it" I said with a smile wiping her forehead. "No we did it" she smiled. The worst moment just turnt into the best. "Where are they ? " She looked around. "The nurses are just cleaning them off" I reassured her. They came back in with Noah. Then placed him in T's arms. She looked down at him as he opened his eyes for the first time. "He looks just like you Roc" she said without breaking eye contact with him. I couldn't speak. This moment is beautiful. " Wanna hold him?" I nodded and picked him up. I craddled him in my arms. This is my son. Im a father now. The doctor brought in the baby girl. "Two healthy babies, pre-term but their in excellent shape.I dont see how we didnt know she was in there. She's so small! " he said in pure disbelief. He handed her over to T. " It was destiny" she said. The baby looked up at her and smiled. "I like it" I said. "What?". "The name. Destiny."




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