Two years, eleven months, six days, eighteen hours before

Start from the beginning

I walked over to where they were standing. "Thank you for having me." I said in between giving her a hug. "Do you need me to help you with anything?"

I heard Caleb groan behind Mrs Dawson, but neither of us payed attention to him. "Shay, you don't need to help me anymore that you already have." She smiled at me once more before she turned towards Caleb. "Caleb darling, can you go get Alex from his room while I finish up down here?" Caleb ran up the stairs quickly.

"Do you need any help?" I asked again. I felt out of place not helping prepare dinner.

"Actually there is something you can do. Can you place those flowers into a vase please?" Mrs. Dawson pointed to a dozen colorful flowers.

I picked up the case that was next to them. It felt light, delicate, and easily breakable. I pumped water into the case until it was halfway full.

"Mrs. Dawson?" I said, turning towards her. "Where would you like me to put the vase?"

Mrs. Dawson was crouched down in front of the oven. "Wait until I finish putting the food on the table." I nodded even though her back was turned to me.

The flowers were laying down, scattered over a towel next to where the vase originally was. I picked up the tiniest flower that was buried under the rest of them. It looked sad; the petals eeee droopy and dull, the stem was cut too short. I felt bad for the flower; it was the runt of the dozen, the outcast.

"Caleb picked those flowers for me." Mrs. Dawson came up behind me. "Aren't they lovely?"

I nodded. "That was kind of him. Do you have a garden?"

Mrs. Dawson slid the vase over to where she was standing. "A small one," she starting saying, "Caleb helps me-," Caleb, and who I guessed was Alex, came slouching into the kitchen then.

"I help you with what, Mom?" Caleb went over to Mrs Dawson.

Alex followed Caleb, but stopped in front of me. He looked like Caleb; same body build and same pure black hair, but his was cropped close to his head unlike Caleb's. Alex also didn't have the same light colored eyes Caleb and their mother shared. I've seen him before at school when he still went to school, but I haven't seen him this close recently.

I turned to Caleb, who was now deep into conversation with Mrs Dawson. Someone touched my shoulder and I jumped. It was Alex.

"Sorry to startle you, but have we met before?" He was smiling. "And sorry I didn't introduce myself when I walked in. I'm Alex and you are?" Alex stuck his hand out.

I took it and gave it a quick shake. "Hi Alex, I'm Shay." I looked up at Alex's face to see if there was an immediate reaction to my name.

His smile slipped for just a second. "You're Shay? The was Caleb...never mind."

"Yeah I'm Shay. What did you start to say?" I tried to sound like I was trying to make small talk but I don't think I convinced Alex about that.

"Oh I was just going to say that my brother talks about you sometimes." Alex looked at me again. I felt uncomfortable standing in front of him. "You're Theo's sister, aren't you? I thought you looked familiar."

I looked at Alex better this time, pushing any resemblance to Caleb out of my mind. "Did you come to my house a few weeks ago to talk to Theo?" I remembered opening the door for him and thinking it was Caleb at first.

Alex smiled again; he had a nice smile, but it wasn't nearly as dazzling as Caleb's. "Yes, before he left. I needed to ask him something." I nodded, and pursed my lips when I remembered how Theo acted after Alex left that day.

Alex was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the front door opening. In an instant, Caleb came swooping over to my side. He spoke to Alex first, "Dad's home," he said as a briefcase was dropped onto a wooden table.

Both Caleb and Alex acted different around each other. The twinkle left Caleb's eyes and his body was tensed up. Alex also looked tense, but I didn't know him long enough to know if he was always like that or not.

Mrs Dawson came over to where Caleb, Alex, and I were standing. "Your father is home." She walked into the hallway and over to wherever Mr Dawson was. I heard them talking in quiet wishpers.

Caleb and Alex started talking as well. "We should finish putting everything on the table."

Alex nodded, "I'll get glasses and the pitcher of water." He walked over to the cabinet that was over the sink. Besides taking down four glasses and a small mug, he grabbed a tin of leaves. "Mom would like a cup of tea, dont you think?"

"She probably would. I'll get the dishes and silverware."

Mr and Mrs Dawson whispering in the hallway brought an unsettling politeness between the three of us. "I'll put the vase of flowers on the table."

Alex filled the tea kettle, Caleb stacked the dishes into a stack, and I carefully carried the vase of flowers over to the dining table. The varying shades of blue and red flowers clashed nicely with the navy blue checker print table cloth and shiny silverware.

I was admiring the flower centerpiece when someone cleared their throat behind me. Caleb clasped his hand around mine; his hand was clammy, and i wanted to let go, but i knew Caleb needed something to keep him calm.

"Hello Alex, hello Caleb," a deep, steady voice said behind me.

Caleb turned around, shaking just enough for me to visibly notice it. "Hello."

Mr Dawson nodded slightly, "Who's your friend, Caleb?"

"Dad, this is Shay Mitchell." Caleb took that minute to let go of my hand.

Mr Dawson took my hand that Caleb had let go of. "Nice to meet you, Shay. Your brother met his soulmate recently, didn't he?"

I nodded, "Yes he did. May I ask how you know?"

He smiled, "I work in the Department of the Soulmates. I'm in charge of keeping tract of soulmates from different cities. I also am in charge of distributing the bracelets. Its a very demanding job, but its also very rewarding." Mr Dawson was becoming very excited and was about to continue talking about his job. I looked over at Caleb, with my eyes wide, asking for help.

"Dad, excuse me, but I think Mom wants us for dinner." Caleb came up beside me.

Mr Dawson looked at Caleb again. I felt Caleb tense up again and that made me shudder to think about what had caused Caleb to fear his father's stare and presence.

"Yes Caleb, you're right. Go sit down and get Alex for me." Caleb nodded gently and went and got Alex.

They were both back in a second. "Yes Dad?"

Caleb pulled me over to the door. "Be ready for a different night."

*Author's Note*

Another rare update! But I have a reason for it! I decided to update Countdown every time I hit the next 100 reads. That sounds confusing, but basically once Countdown hits 1.9k (since we're at 1.8k at the moment) I'll update again. Like always, thank you so so much for reading and I love you all <3

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