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Lights finally turned on and I saw on the reflection that it was just Ashton.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I said, punching his arm and he rubbed it, acting like he was hurt.

"God, I missed you." He said, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him as he hug me tigtly. I hugged him back, smelling his mint scented shirt. "So, how's it?" He mumbled in my hair.

"It was fine, I stayed in a room all day the whole thing." I stated and he snuggled his head to the crook of my neck which gave me the tingles.

"You should go and socialize sometimes, you know." He chuckled, I can feel the vibration on his chest as he do. He left feather kisses on my neck, up to my jaw to my lips, nose and forehead. "Seriously though, I missed you so much. Can we skip the first subject?"

"You're such an idiot, no." I laughed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know," he mumbled, again snuggling his head on the crook of my neck, he's now hugging me from behind.

"You're so clingy." I laughed, holding his arms that are around my waist.

"Sorry." He giggled. "Are you mad?"

"No." I smiled. "You're just so clingy."

"Let's just go look for them, they might be in the cafeteria." Ashton said, holding my hand, intertwining our fingers then we started to walk out from the room.

He was practically pulling me, but I was fine with it. I looked at our locked hands and it sent butterflies to my stomach. Even though he has huge ass hands it still managed to fit on my small ones.

We walked through the halls, we caught a few attentions from students looking at us, some were murmuring, some were gushing over us saying how cute we were, but I just looked down because I'm getting shy.

Once again, the thought popped in my mind. Why are we acting like this? We aren't even together. Will he ask me to be his girlfriend soon or will this just pass by after a few days? I'm scared of the results.

Why do I have a feeling that this is just something that won't be serious? Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I need to stop thinking like this.

"What the fuck is happening?" Michael screamed, he wasn't mad. He's actually happy.

"What is this I see? Oh my god." Rhoe said fangirling, cupping her own cheeks.

"God, finally." Isabella smiled, laying her head on Calum's shoulder.

Should I tell them we aren't together? I don't know what to do.

"Are we late?" Ashton spoke up as we sit with the gang on our usual table in the cafeteria.

"Kind of, like 10 minutes." Calum answered, chuckling.

"So, when did you guys got together?" Luke asked, smiling widely.


"Since last week, before she went to her family reunion thing." Ashton said proudly, like he really did asked me.

I just smiled and nodded my head.

Are we really together or what?


hi hi hi

this update is the 3rd update i have written today

i'm so into writing, i might finish the whole story today lmao kidding

i might post this 2 days late than i should be but yeah jdsmdnjmdhjnjhnbfenb

vote and spread!!! love u all

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