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So the Erin's mislead you with the stages of a growing kit. No worries, this should help.

A Guide to Stages of a Kit

A cat is only pregnant for 66 days (a little over two months.) That's pretty much, for the most part, usually kept correct in fanficiton and the books. However, it all goes down from there.

As you most likely know, kits are born blind and deaf, however in Bluestar's Prophecy the other queen in the nursery kept talking about how her kits opened their eyes right after birth. What kind of fricked up womb have you got?! Kits don't open their eyes until they're around two weeks old. When they're first born, they can't even walk so I don't know what Snowkit/paw/fur was doing begging to go outside. They cannot regulate body temp either, so they rely on their mom/adopted parent for warmth.

Two weeks old, kittens open their eyes. Their vision is blurry, but they can see. Their eyes are also blue when they're first opened. It can also appear a grayish color. This is why in the traditional system of naming, you can't name your kitty after eye color. Two weeks old is also when the sense of smell is developing.

 Two weeks old is also when the sense of smell is developing

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Kitten eye color from July 12 - September 15

Three weeks! Your kit is no longer an alien-looking ball of fur. It's ears are beginning to erect (they're born with ears folded) and they can get a sense of littermates. By three weeks, their sense of smell should be pretty well developed and their cute little baby teeth are beginning to show. This is also when the kits will begin to shakily move around. They can now purr.

Week Four is a milestone: one moon. The sense of smell should be fully developed, they can hear pretty well, but their eyesight is still a little blurry. They're getting adventurous, and might try to leave the nest. The mother might even leave for short amounts of time.

Week Five, they're growing in leaps in bounds. Sight is fully developed. They can play with their littermates, and are a lot more adventurous and might try to leave the den.

Week Six. At moon and a half old, they are the cute little fuzz balls you see in pictures. They can eat solids.

By the end of seven weeks they should be fully developed in senses (though can't hunt and fight, not until they're trained to do so)

And by eight weeks (two moons) they can eat solids for meals.

From there on, it's what the Erin's have told you about kit hood. But guys.

They've misled you on size this whole time.

When you think of a six-moon-old- cat, you think of ear tips just barely reach the shoulder blade of their mentor's, or even smaller? Guess what? A six month old cat is just a little smaller than a full grown cat. No joke. However, in drawing its a lot easier to draw them smaller to show they aren't a warrior yet. So, on this point, even I draw and write my apprentices as smaller than reality. But some of you might find this interesting/helpful/whatever.

Art by GinjaNinjaOwO from her Bluestar's Skyfall AMV. I figured since we talked about Bluestar's Prophecy a bit, I picture of Bluekit and Snowkit would fit!

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