Chapter 6

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-Y/N's POV-

I tried to sneek away but me being the clutz I am I tripped and fell than someone helped me up. When Iooked up I saw Luke with a worried face. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He kept asking "I'm fine I'm fine." I said dusting myself off. "How did you find me?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "oh I asked jasmine  where I can find you..." He said kinda embarrassed. I smiled a little 'he really cares for me.... I can't mess it up' I thought. I huged him and said "thank you for caring..." I fell him hug me back and i hear him whisper "anything for you..." It felt like forever before we pulled apart. He smiled at me, grrr I still can't get over those dimples so I just looked down blushing slightly I felt his hand go under my chin. When our eyes met we started learning in. Our lips were just seconds away. Then....



LOL cliffhanger! I hate when that happens to me xP sorry guys and I'm sorry it's short and I haven't been updating its just school and other stuff has been crazy. I'll try harder to update for you guys I'm sorry if I don't ):

Bye wuv you guys!!!

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