12 // Dec. 20 2015

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Tatum's POV

I woke up the next morning in Calum's arms; definitely the best way to wake up. Calum was still asleep and I had no intention to wake him. I grabbed my phone that I had brought in here last night, pulling up my camera and taking a picture of him, he was so adorable when he was asleep.

After taking the picture I pulled up Twitter and decided to tweet, not the picture of course.

@calshood: waking up next to you is a feeling i could never explain

After that I gently moved out of Calum's grip, standing up and stretching. I made my way out of the guest room and downstairs to the kitchen.

My parents were at work as usual, so I took the liberty in making breakfast for Calum and I. I grabbed bacon, eggs, and bread and started cooking right away. I placed the bacon and eggs on two different pans on the stove and put the bread in the toaster.

As I cooked, humming any tune that popped into my head, I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Good morning." He greeted me in his beautiful raspy morning voice.

I put my face against his shoulder, kissing it. "Good morning."

He turned me around so that I was facing him. I put my arms around his neck, looking into his big brown eyes.

"I saw your tweet, you're a cheesy one aren't you?" He said, placing his forehead against mine.

I blushed. "I forget you follow me sometimes."

He chuckled, rubbing my back. "Do you not realize that if I didn't follow you, we wouldn't even be here right now?"

"Shut up, you smart ass." I hit him in the chest, then turned back to the food.

"Okay, okay." He moved from behind me and stood by my side. "Can I help with anything?"

"You are on bacon watch, Hood."

He took the fork I was using to flip the bacon, bumping my hip with his. "You got it, Shepherd."


"So what do you want to do today?" Calum asked me. We were in my bathroom, I was applying my makeup while he quiffed his hair up, my idea.

"Well yesterday I suggested that I show you around town, which we didn't get to. So let's do that." He nodded at my idea.

I finished with my makeup, storing it all away in my drawers. I exited the bathroom, making my way to my closet as Calum followed me.

"What should I wear?" I asked him, running my hands along the long rack of clothes.

I watched as he looked through my hanging clothes, pulling a shirt out every once in a while, examining it, then placing it back. After a while he had picked out an outfit that actually matched and looked good together, which I had no idea boys had the ability to do. The outfit consisted of a 5 Seconds of Summer t-shirt, which didn't seem to surprise me that he picked it, with black leggings and white high top converse.

"You would pick that." I laughed, pointing to the shirt he had chose.

"You would own that." He mocked me, pointing to the shirt as well.

"Touché Calum Hood, touché." I rolled my eyes at him. "Now I need to change."

He sat down on my bed, shrugging. "Ok, go ahead."

"Get out you asshole!" I threw the shirt at him, him catching it in mid air.

"Fine then. But I'm not leaving because you told me to. I'm leaving because I need to change, and I'd absolutely hate to turn you on by seeing me half naked." He smirked, leaving my room before I had the chance to reply to his remark.

"Cocky douche!" I called through the closed door. I heard his laugh rumble from down the hallway.

After that I got changed into the clothes he had picked out. Once I was done I stood in front of the mirror, making sure I looked okay as Calum walked back in. He wasn't wearing his sweatpants and t-shirt anymore, now he was wearing his usual black skinny jeans and his State Champs shirt.

"That's my favorite shirt on you." I told him as he joined me at the mirror.

"That's my favorite shirt on you." He said in an 'as a matter of fact tone'. Then he dug into his jeans pockets, pulling his iPhone 6 out. "Let's take a mirror selfie."

I giggled and nodded. We took a few pictures, and then I watched as Calum made one of them his lock screen, a smile growing on my face as he did.


All day we had gone places all around town; places that I had admired and places that I had gone through big milestones of my life in. Like the park in my neighborhood where I met Lily, or the cafe called 'Brianna's Bistro', where I went on my first date back in eighth grade.

It was so fun showing Calum all these memorable places and telling him the back story that comes along with them and me. He seemed genuinely interested, which I loved. He wanted to know the little things about me. He wanted to know the places I go to take my mind off things. And I think that might be one of the most pleasing things to know, that someone cares about you so much, and that they want to learn pointless little facts about you.


"Calum, what are we?" I asked him, looking up into his eyes. We were sitting on the floor of my living room in front of the fire place snuggled together with blankets while drinking hot chocolate. When we got back from the ice rink we played in the snow like children, and now we are in the warmth of my house, our intertwined bodies giving off extra heat.

He looked down at me, pulling me even closer. "I don't know what we are. But I know what I want to be."


He nodded, "Yeah."

"And what is that? What do you want to be?"

"I want to be your boyfriend."

A smile tugged at my lips, and my heart started beating like crazy. Finally, I thought to myself. I feel as if I've waited to hear those words my entire life.

"Well good for you Calum Hood, because I want to be your girlfriend."

Calum's POV

I finally did it. I finally asked her to be my girlfriend. After months and months of falling for her, she's finally my girlfriend.

"Well good for you Calum Hood, because I want to be your girlfriend." Her cheesy, beautiful smile appeared on her face and I felt myself fall in love all over again.

I placed my lips against hers. Those sparks that I always feel when I kiss her shot through my body once again. Our lips moved together, so much passion was involved in this kiss. I pulled her petite body off the floor and onto my lap. Never breaking the kiss, she ran one hand through my hair, with the other hand cupping my face.

She pulled away from me, both of us breathing heavily. "I love you." She pecked my lips. "So much," She kissed my jaw. "my heart hurts." Lastly she kissed my neck.

We continued to make out, my hands running up and down her waist and back. After a while, I tugged at her shirt, wanting it long gone. She pulled away from me to let me take it off of her. Once I took it off, throwing it across the room, it was her turn to remove my shirt. I let her take it off and she threw it along with her shirt.

I watched her ran her hands down my torso, tracing my abs. "You are so goddamn beautiful."

She presses her lips to mine once again, me squeezing her ass. She let out a small moan against my lips, I smirked and gave it another squeeze, causing her to moan again.

Just as she started to unbutton my jeans, we heard the garage door start to open. Tatum gasped, and quickly hopped off of me. "Put your shirt on! My parents will be in here in less than a minute!"

She quickly pulled on her shirt, brushing through her hair with her fingers as I put my shirt on too.

"We're home!" Dereck, Tatum's dad, called into the large house.

"In the living room!" Tatum called back, then whispered in my ear, "That was extremely close."

I chuckled, pulling her close to me. I kissed her forehead and then said, "I love you."

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