Moving Day

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(Aquantis' POV)
I woke up from my alarm that just kept going off. I turned it off and groaned in tiredness. I stood up and took my towel to the bathroom. I took a quick shower then I got ready for school. Today would be my last day and I was kind of happy. I barely knew anybody even though I've been there for 3 years. My mom said she got a job promotion in LA, so we had to move.

I walked downstairs and saw nothing, but boxes filled with our stuff. I went to the kitchen to have a quick breakfast before heading to school. After my breakfast I started my normal walk to school which wasn't too far away.

I arrived at the entrance to the school and walked in. After a few minutes the bell rang and I had 5 minutes to get to first period. I got to my first period in time and I was ready for 8 hours of hell.

I sluggishly walked from class to class, wanting the day to be over with. I also talked with a few of the teachers that I actually liked and told them I would be moving. I also said goodbyes to a few acquaintances I've made in the school. 

Going into my last class, I went to my normal seat and sat down. This is the last class of the day and last time I'll ever be here. It all felt so strange how I would be attending a new school by tomorrow. But this was a nice change. My mom and I have been in the same house ever since my dad left and this would feel like a fresh start for us.

The teacher walked in and began to start class. I aimlessly drew in my notebook that I brought with me. In the middle of class, while I was drawing, my teacher came over. "Aquantis, I heard you're leaving."

"Yeah, my mom got a promotion from her job and she has to transfer."

"Oh, well, I'll miss you. You were always happy in this class."

"Well, I always did enjoy writing."

"I hope you continue."


"Well, I hope your new school treasures you like we did."

"Haha, hopefully." She gave me one more smile and left back to her desk. I continued to doodle until the bell rang. I stood from my seat and walked out of the class. It was so weird that this was the last time I'd see everybody here.

I walked out the school and started my way home. I turned on the street my house was and saw my mom already had a moving truck. "Hey Sweetie, the stuff is in the truck already, so we could go now."

"Alright, can I go inside just to make sure we didn't forget anything?"

"Sure go ahead."

"Alright I'll be back." I tossed my bag in the front seat and went to the front door. I opened it and went upstairs to my now old bedroom. I walked in and saw it was empty. I looked around one last time then walked out the front door to the truck. I got in, ready for what was ahead of me in LA.

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