Chapter Ten

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I would survive if I transported from the game, but I'd have a very short time to live. Why would Levi leave me? He'll come back, right? Right?! I started walking in a random direction, maybe I can still beat the game? But, it's a level five and you should never do these alone, especially if you are terrible at the genre.

I opened my in-game inventory, as I should've done at the very beginning, and looked for something useful. Lamp, fuel, flash light, note. I clicked on the note, it suddenly appeared in my hands and I read it:

I've been here for years,
Stuck in a mirror's gaze.
When can I get out of this maze?
I can't take another day.

But, since you're here,
I am no longer near.
They love the screams,
Or so it seems.

Don't look behind,
You don't want to know what you'll find
Faster, faster, faster
Prepare to see a disaster.

Lose your tongue,
Until the bird has sung,
Gold, silver, and copper,
I hope to see a slaughter.

Besides the fact that the person is terrible at writing poetry, it had thoroughly fucked me in the head. I placed it back in the inventory, the words circling in my mind as I absent-mindedly turned the flashlight on. The brightness shone directly into my eyes, I shut my eyes with a yelp and pointed it away from my face.

"... en..." I heard a voice breathe out, I could only pick up the last syllable. I walked forward, observing 180° in front of me, refusing to turn around. The walls and floor are made of stone, moss seeped out of the cracks, I decided not to look up. The hallway seemed endless, I walked for at least ten minutes, a few noises and voices, but no faces.

"I'm going to kill His Grace when I find him." I muttered to myself, suddenly I heard the familiar sound of metal. Is Jean back? Or is it something else? I continued to walk straight, arriving at a T intersection. I looked left and right, flashing the light down both and seeing nothing but stone hallways. I made a left.

Heavy footsteps followed about twelve feet behind me, it took all my willpower not to turn around. Soon, a full intersection was spotted and I had no time to study my choices, I made another left. The walls and floor trembled and a loud crash sounded behind me, small pounding came afterwards. I couldn't hold back anymore.

I whipped around, the flashlight flickered and I groaned. I walked forward, towards the crash and found out what had happened. The ceiling has fallen, stones blocking me from leaving. I am screwed. Silently, and swiftly, I turned around, sending my fist out in front of me just in case. Pain shot up my arm as I hit something hard, my eyes widened when I saw what it was.

This one was nothing like Jean's, in fact, Jean's looks like the mascot of a children's show compared to this. Dark, empty, eye sockets seemed to stare into my soul. Wide smile, bright white, human-like, teeth behind human-like lips. Long, black hair fell into it's silver face in thick strips. A scream clogged my throat, I was unable to breathe, no noise escaped my lips.

I scaled the... thing up, it had a human form but I couldn't believe it was one, he was definitely made of metal. "... Er... en..." It whispered through closed teeth, his lips not moving at all. I took a step back, my back hit a hard surface, I almost screamed but the words came to mind. Lose your tongue.

I clenched my jaw tightly and dropped down to the floor, huddling into a ball. I rocked back and forth as their hands ran all over me. Cold metal scratched at my clothing, others pulled at my hair, I clenched tighter, trying my hardest to stay silent. Strong hands wrapped around one of my arms and began twisting it, I whimpered.

Make it stop. I could hear my bones creaking, I groaned, it was all I could do not to scream when the sound of snapping bones echoed through the halls. The pain was unbearable, I whimpered softly as they picked up my other arm. They slowly twisted it before they stopped at the sound of a bird chirping.

The silver one sunk into the ground, his empty sockets never leaving me. To my left was a gold one who became one with the wall, and the one behind me was the one Jean was controlling and it simply vanished. The walls crashed down around me and I began to crystalize, reappearing in the before-game lobby.

A blank screen popped out in front me. "Congratulations," a robotic voice cheered, "you now have twelve years to live. Please, continue wisely. You have gained the ability to imprint. Please design your symbol." The blank screen shrunk and fell into my hands like a book, I assumed I was to draw on this. I used my finger to design something.

I had no idea what to do, and when I did, time was almost up, so I only got half way through the design. It was a simple white wing, it almost looked of an angel's, I smiled. "Imprint saved. Imprint wisely." Instantly, I found myself standing in Levi's office and my anger returned.

Levi was not in his office and I spent an hour searching for him, only finding him when I returned to his office. He was sitting at his desk, working, once again. I slammed the door behind me and stomped up to the desk, Levi looked at me blankly. "You left me." I growled in a low voice, he shrugged. "I could've died!"

"You aren't dead, so, what's the problem?" He replied dryly, I scoffed.

"I don't care if you are the fucking King, you are a insensitive bastard!" I shouted, Levi sighed before standing up. "You don't get to throw me into a level five and leave me without warning!" My eyes followed him as he walked over to me, he was smirking.

"I allowed you to get an imprint for your friends and this is how you thank me?" Levi asked, everything about him was emotionless. "I saved you from being murdered, and you think you can speak to me like this? Did you know that if a hacker were to kill you in-game, you would die permanently? They'd gain all of your life points." My jaw dropped and he continued.

Levi was now standing two inches in front of me, his eyes were nothing but balls of anger. "I never left, Jaeger. I was there the whole time, I watched you." Why would he watch me? "I snapped Jean into a cell and hid, I wouldn't allow a great servant like you die so easily." A smirk found itself on Levi's lips, amusement replaced the anger in his eyes.

"Now, you owe me."


Yay for really quick update. I have to go to work today so this may be my last update this weekend. I hope this chapter wasn't terrible.

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