Chapter 20:

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9/11 was like 4 days ago and it's late but give thanks to those who serve in America and go to war for our country ❤️
Madison's P.O.V

I walk out of the airport were we just landed in New York! I'm so happy and excited and I can see my dad and grandparents this week!

I went alone because Ryan's flight is at a different time which sucked :(. I walk out of the paparazzi and take some pictures with some fans and finally make it to a cab.

I tell them to take me to my dads house and tweet a few things to my fans on our way there.

Once we arrive I see a 4 cars. One Cadillac, one Mercedes, one bmw, and another jeep.

I tip the cab and walk to the door of my dads. I knock and few seconds later I see my dad and he gives me a huge hug.

"I missed you," he said "I missed you to dad," I smile. I hear a cough behind and I look over my dads shoulder and see my grandma.

I gasp and give her a huge hug "I missed you grandma!" I say and she laughs "I missed you to my Madison," she says kissing me.

I see my dads new wife Kimberly (I made it up) "Kim!" I say hugging her she's a good step mom.
"Hey Mad's!" She says.

We all sit down in the living room and talk about everything new and about my song coming out.

Later that night

My dad wanted to take the whole family out to a restaurant in downtown. Kim helps me pick out an outfit which was just a pair of black pants, a white shirt with a black jacket, and white heels.

I curl my hair a little and grab a mini purse and throw some money and everything in there.

Jack Gilinsky p.o.v

I was currently at a restaurant with the guys because Katie's flight was coming later.

I order a sandwich and the guys order as well. After we all ordered the guys were laughing about something but I wasn't listening.

I saw a girl with long ombré hair and black pants and a Leather jacket. I couldn't see her face but I know she is hot up front.

I try finding her face and one of the guys block my view. "Cameron," i sigh.

"What?" He laughed and turns around "are you staring at that girls ass or what?" They all start laughing and I laugh as well "no,"

"I was looking at the tv screen." I lie "why were you biting your lip then,were those hockey players that attractive," they all start laughing again and the girl turns around.


We make eye contact until she rolls her eyes and gives me a disgusted look. she stands there until a waiter comes to lead them to there table.

She leads them to a table right next to me and I have a perfect view of Madison.

To bad she has a boyfriend. I sigh i actually did fuck up "what Gilinsky?" Johnson asks. "what?" I ask "you said something."

"No?" I must have said that out loud. "yo-" he gets cut off by the waitress bringing our food.

She places our food down and then leaves to Madison's table. "I'll get the macaroni bowl," she said "and water please." her voice is so different and better.

"Gilinsky if you don't e-," I cut Cameron off "STOP!" I yell and the place gets quiet. I just embarrassed myself.

I look down at Madison and she looks away immediately and I leave and catch a cab to the hotel. I sigh.

I check my phone and see Katie posting a full body picture with a boy and she.... didn't have a baby bump?

I'm updating a lot soon


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