What the Wolf Knew?

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Wayra's room was upstairs, converted from what had been a small hayloft... small as far as barns and farms went. The 16' x 20' room was spacious with a large window at the end facing south, letting the abundant light of the sun in. Inti Tai Tai, or, just Inti- Father Sun. Masculine Energy.

Above a narrow slanting alcove where she had her dresser and closet was her altar, a corner where she kept her sacred things... feathers, stones, and carvings of jaguars and condors from Peru. A beautiful carved jaguar mask hung on the wall, along with condor feathers and pictures of Illimani, a sacred mountain that stood between Bolivia and Peru, in the Andes. This was her own personal Apu.

Wayra was an altomasoyoq (alto massoy ock). She worked directly with the Mountain Spirits. The animals were intermediaries, like messengers. Her connection, and her power- she drew from this magnificent powerful source.

Wayra's room was an interesting blend of traditional Inca, Mexican, and modern teen disaster. The walls were medium periwinkle with bright Andean weavings and colors. Pictures on the walls were from her Native Andes- sharp mountain peaks, against vibrant blue skies and clouds, clear mountain lakes decorated with small but colourful villages, and a few pictures of paq'os performing healing ceremonies and rituals.

These pictures combined with pictures from Vermont and bands she liked. Book shelves and a computer desk were buried under notebooks from her college classes. On top of her rumpled unmade bed were herb books and science magazines. Apparently they made a comfortable bed for her cat, Otorongo, who was nested snugly in the midst of the pile, lazily watching over his personal kingdom.

As much as Wayra felt ruffled at her father's constant reminders of school and studying, she knew it was true. She did have a lot of reading to do especially for this term as she was taking a full course load. Even though she liked the freedom of the class schedule in college, what they lacked in classroom time, they sure made up for with reading assignments.

Wayra powered up her laptop and turned on her stereo while she waited for it to boot up. Then she got slightly sidetracked by a quick skype-call from a cousin who lived in Cuzco where there was actual internet coverage. Her heart and soul needed that connection, a tenuous tie, to keep in touch and know the little daily goings on of her other family.

Wayra saw an incoming text from Nancy, her whole-world bestie... usually it was nothing important... just the inconsequential things that meant so much to her. Nancy was someone who made no demands, had no expectations, or needs. Wayra cherished Nancy in a way no one would ever understand or appreciate.

Like her stone family, Nancy provided a calm place amidst the chaos that was life. That wasn't to say Nancy, who reminded her of uncle Manny in many ways, didn't come with her own share of adventure and trouble. But it was the fun-kind of young recklessness that Wayra treasured.

The two of them were very different, but had a pretty perfect friendship. They were both curious and open-minded—always coming across interesting things and happy to have someone to share it with. They also complemented each other in opposite ways.

Nancy helped Wayra speak out more, while Wayra tended to balance Nancy's impulsive nature. And even though Nancy had quit school in tenth grade, she was one of the smartest people Wayra knew. She was artistic and creative, but in her very own clear and definitive words, she did not like being told what to do. Decidedly resistant to authority.

But Wayra loved how open Nancy was to the ideas about the invisible realms, and how all Nature speaks to people all the time. And there were times that connection really came through. Nancy was also in tune with things, on an intuitive level. Things like the text only confirmed what Wayra knew.

"..saw a WOLF. holy fuck! crossing the road in front of my car..

"What was his message?" Wayra texted back...

"Slow the fuck down!" Nancy responded immediately. Then she added, more thoughtfully, "Weird- it wasn't really in a hurry, even on the highway, like it knew exactly how much time it had. All the time in the fucking world! and it slowed down and looked right at me while it crossed."

"What do you suppose it means?" Nancy asked.

"wolf- maybe that is your totem, your guide-power." Wayra answered. or maybe it was just a wolf lol. "

"but you don't think that? that it's just ordinary shit?"

"everything and nothing is ordinary. it's as ordinary as you make it or want it, chica. but I'll look it up for you."

Wolf. Powerful medicine. Wayra went to dig up her book on Animal totems. The book had actually been a gift from Nancy. Wayra knew Wolf often meant things to do with guardianship, but she liked to look up things. Always there was extra information that gave insights. She read a bit from the wolf section... about how wolf could mean there was a need to step up, in your life and take responsibility, or change direction, and with psychic insights..She wondered what Wolf was trying to tell Nancy...?

End of Part4.

So what do you think Wolf showing up?  Do you have animal totems?  animals you have a special connection to?

Check back to follow Wayra , to learn more about her mesa and shamanic work, and her crazy friendship with Nancy. Or if you can't wait, you can always pick up the full copy at Amazon:, on sale for 2.99


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