July 12th, 2015

191 17 2

10:49 P.M.

Dear Jesus,

My Mom found a job at Hobby Lobby, she has a teaching degree in English, but it's "expired" so she has to do random stuff that I don't know about in order for it to be valid. But those things cost money, so she's working at that craft store. It's weird having my father home more than my Mom. Very weird. Church was today. I kind of skipped small group. I don't know, I just didn't feel like going. No one would miss me anyway. I'm glad that my parents didn't make me go, but then again, they are really stressed. I did see Chad this morning though, but not Emily. I don't think he saw me.. Not that he cares. Hmm, I just got a text let me see. It's Emily, wait, why haven't I blocked her number? Should I open it? I don't know. It's going to bug me if I don't.. Let's see, she says that she's sorry for everything and that she wants to be my friend again.. I don't know.. I know that I should forgive her, but is she actually sorry? I know that I don't want her as my friend again.. unless I know for sure that she is changed, but I don't think that I'm ready to forgive her yet.. I wonder what happened to her to make her apologize.. She just sent me another one. It says that she wants to meet tomorrow to talk. Ugh. I don't know. I can't. I guess I have to. My parents don't even know what happened so they'll let me go to her house. I'm supposed to be forgiving. I guess that I should hear her out.. I'll ask my Mom, and then let her know. Well, my Mom said yes. We are "hanging out." Tomorrow at 3. I guess I'll update you about that Saviour. I love you, Goodnight.

~Chloe E. Almond

I got five comments on my last update! So... I'm doing an entry from Chad's Journal! I don't know when, but a promise is a promise. :)

Diary of an Average Christan Teen Girl.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz