Innuendo *Moment 7*

Start from the beginning

Terrance wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, then stood up to join Alice. Graham and Adrian seemed to be trying to communicate something to Terrance through their glares, but Terrance chose to ignore them. 

"Cara?" Alice looked to her blonde friend.

"No, I think I'll stay here a bit longer, I'm still enjoying my tea." She stated.

"Alright." Alice replied.

Adrian and Graham were whispering among themselves.

"You should go." Adrian whispered.

"You think?" Graham asked.

"Yea, that way you'll be able to make sure Terrance doesn't get in the way, and also I'll be alone with Cara. Two bird with one stone." Adrian explained.

"Are you two done?" Alice asked impatiently. She was starting to realize most of her friends were dorks.

Graham cleared his throat then replied "Yeah, I'll be coming with you." He stood up.

Realizing that this leaves Adrian with Cara, Alice shot a look towards Cara, who just smirked back. Her eyes said 'I can handle him.'

Alice walked out of the library with Terrance and Graham and made her way to the library.

"So," Adrian places his hands on the table, his fingers were intertwined and he had a dumb grin on his face.

Cara gave him a raised eyebrow, as she sipped on her tea.


Alice found Marcus sitting at her usual spot, which she wasn't too thrilled about as he's seemingly taking over it, and he was too focused on the parchments cluttered around the table that he didn't notice them approaching. She decided to take advantage of the opportunity.

She quickly motioned for Terrance and Graham so stay back, then put her index finger up to her lips to tell them to be silent. Alice slowly tiptoed behind Marcus, and she tried her best not to burst into a giggle fit as she snuck up behind him. She pursed her lips, then gently leaned down to his ear and held her breath so he wouldn't feel her. Though she doubted that he would since he was too busy. For a second, she admired the way he's actually concentrating on advising a plan, her previous doubts about Marcus never visiting the library had diminished.

"Hey captain." she whispered. 

"Oh god!" Marcus almost jumped out of his seat with a surprised spas, his head swiftly shot to glance at the source.

 He was met with a smirking brunette. Ofcourse. He could also hear the snickering of the two boys behind Alice.

"You sounded more like you just climaxed than surprised." Alice stated, as she walked around the table to sit facing the still bewildered captain.

"What are you doing here Alice?" He asked with a sigh. 

Terrance sat down next to Alice, while Graham plopped down into the seat by Marcus.

"Why do you sound not too pleased to see me Marcus?" She pouted teasingly. 

"No, I just didn't expect anyone to be joining me." Marcus replied, his eyes glancing to Terrance and Graham as well.

"It's Thursday, we only have double potions today which starts in about half an hour, so no morning classes." Terrance stated.

"Speaking of classes, aren't you supposed to be in class about now?" Alice asked. 

Marcus grinned, "Memorized my schedule Alice?" 

"Not really, I just have a good memory, you always left practice around this time for class." Alice countered. 

Graham seemed to be amused the exchange, as he usually would be the one teasing but he decided to stay silent for now and watch.

"Yeah I have Charms, but I don't really feel like going. It's Flitwick anyways, he won't say anything." Marcus stated, then went back to his parchments.

"It's not like you need any more setbacks in marks." Alice said.

"Don't worry about me love, Professor Snape will make sure I'm all set for by the end of the year." Marcus replied. 

Alice raised an eyebrow when he said 'love' but Marcus only smirked.

"How touching of you Alice, worrying about Marcus's marks and all." Graham teased.

"Touching indeed." Marcus joined in.

"If it's so touching Graham, why don't you go touch yourself to the thought of the two hour class you'll be facing Snape in a bit hmm?" Alice shot back.

Terrance chuckled, he wanted to laugh but Madam Pince had already been sending them glares.

"I never thought I'll be hearing the words "touch yourself to the thought of Snape" ever in my life but here I am." Graham stated.

"You know, I won't be getting anything done with you guys here." Marcus said.

Alice  chose to ignore his statement as she started saying

"Speaking of touching, Marcus," She called him. 

Marcus looked up from his work to look at the brunette sitting infront of him.

"I touch myself to the thought of you." She whispered huskily.

Marcus dropped the quill in his hand, and his mouth was slightly agape. Did he hear her correctly, or was he imagining things again? 

Graham's jaw was also slightly agape, but slowly twisting in a grin as Alice continued.

"More specifically, I touch my temples because you give me a headache, especially when I remember we have practice early in the mornings."

Terrance couldn't restrain himself this time as he burst into laughter, Graham slowly joined in. 

Marcus's shocked expression turned into a grin as Alice smirked at him. Their enjoyment wasn't long lived as Madam Pince scurried over to them angrily to kick them out.

"Alright alright, we'll be out Madam Pince!" Alice said.

"We've got to get to potions class anyways." Terrance stated. 

Alice and Terrance had gotten up and put their chairs back, then tried to apologize to Madam Pince.

Graham was getting up from his seat, then he looked to Marcus with a grin and asked,

"You staying here?" 

"I can't exactly get up right now." Marcus stated.

Graham noticed Marcus trying to hide hard-on under the table and snickered at him.

"Seriously?" Graham questioned.

"Shutup." Marcus retorted.

"Can't blame you." Graham chuckled, then made his way to Alice and Terrance.

Alice turned back to Marcus,

"See you later captain." 

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