|5| Knowing Your Characters (WWE)

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If you write a WWE fan fiction, you are obviously a WWE fan.

If not, then why are you writing it?

But I know that for the most part, the people who write it are huge fans.

If that is indeed the case, then how come you don't know the wrestlers you are writing about?

You don't know how they act, and you certainly don't know how they talk.

It's pathetic, and it makes me think you have no respect for wrestling or the characters that they portray.

This makes me so mad, I'll do more than one example:

1. Roman walked up to Seth, who was sitting on a couch. "Hey, yo. What's up dude?"

Seth chuckled. "Nothing, dude. Just chillin' like a villain. Hey homie, you want to get some pizza?"

"Yeah dog. Let's give Dean a ring real quick and see if he wants to tag along."

"Fo' sho."

2. "Hey, Nikki. My hubby, Daniel, is going to be on the shelf soon, and I'm going to cry."

"OMG, Brie, you will be okay. Your hubby is like totally, super strong. We'll get through this."

"Thanks CoCo." (Just please stop with all uses of this unless Josie is around.)

3. "Dean, you look so handsome today," AJ told him.

"Well thank you so much, April. You look nice as well." (Doesn't acknowledge that this should be sarcasm)

"Oh, such the gentlemen," AJ said batting her eyelashes.

Okay, those are over the top exaggerated writings I just created, but they still suck, and that's how some WWE "fans" write. It pains me to say, but if you are going to write them like this, then just stop.


How about some revisions:

1. Roman walked into the room, and sat down next to Seth. "What's up man," he asked him.

Seth glanced up from his phone. "Nothing much. I was actually thinking about going to grab a bite to eat. You guys wanna join me?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll call Dean and see if he's up for it."

"Alright, man. Whenever you're ready, we can head out."

2. "Hey, Brie? You alright," Nikki asked her sister.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Brie told her, trying to reassure her. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just, I know that Daniel isn't doing all that great, and I wanted to know how you were handling it?"

"I'm doing fine, Nicole. And we don't know what's the diagnosis, so there's nothing to get seriously worried about right now."

3. AJ jerked her head to where Dean stood, after hearing a catcall. "What do you want Ambrose?"

"Woah, hostile much, Lee," he asked with a smirk.

"I am when jerks whistle at me," AJ said, with a matching smirk on her face.

That was so much better. Now I can exhale.

I'm not the character expert, but based off of my love for wrestling, I know what I'm talking about.

My assumptions:

The ex-Shield boys aren't gangsters, whiners, are just plain abusive men.

Ro Ro is the quiet one, but that doesn't mean he's a sensitive little whinny brat, who beats and cheats on women to make him feel better about himself. He's adorable.

Deano is his own person entirely. He doesn't follow anybody's rules and he's a total Bad A. He's the king of sarcasm, and a huge flirt.

Sethie is a cocky man, who is funnier than you would expect him to be. He owns every place he walks into because he's just that awesome.

Not a fan of the Bella Twins, but that doesn't mean I'm going to write them in my stories as being dumber than a sack of rocks. They're not the brightest crayons in the box, but they are still in the box.

Not a fan of Paige either, but that's not the point. I never have her saying "bloody" and "love" in every single sentence, because she's British. Credits to the people that come up with nicknames like "pumpkin" or whatever else they can think of. It pays to be creative.

Just know you're freaking characters people!

To Suck

Having Roman, an avid dark color wearer, decide to wear pink or bright colors, and speak like he's a 12 year old boy.

Not To Suck

Know the character before you write them into your story. If you have to, get on WWE Network or YouTube, and study some of their promos or backstage segments. It only takes a few minutes, and it will really help you in the long run.

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