Harry's P.O.V.
I jumped up from the bench and slipped out into the hallway as soon as Lexa and McGonagall went out of the Great Hall. I looked around, and saw Snape and Draco walking.
I went into my super-ninja-spy mode, and started following them, ducking behind walls and random Hogwarts statues and what-not. They started talking:
"Draco, getting into fights with who people think is your twin isn't-"
"I don't care! I can get into fights with whoever I want to!" Draco retorted.
"She knows what you're up to! I can help you, Draco," Snape said calmly.
"I don't need your help! I don't need anybody's help!" Draco growled. Snape stopped walking.
"I swore to your mother I would help you, Draco! I made the Unbreakable Vow!" Draco turned around to face Snape.
"I don't care what you did! Its not my problem you told my mother you would help me! Because I don't need your help, and I don't want it either!"
"Draco, I can help you," Snape pleaded again
"I don't need your help!" he said again, and stormed off.
Snape stood there with a scowl on his face, then turned around and walked away.
I walked back to the Great Hall.
The whole day the conversation between Draco and Snape never left my mind.
** LATER THAT SAME DAY, still harry's P.O.V. **
Ron, Hermione and I were in Potions, talking.
"What happened to Lexa?" Ron asked me.
"I don't know.." I said.
"You saw what happened, Ron. She got in trouble with McGonagall!" Hermione whispered.
"No, Hermione. He means right now. She wasn't in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and she wasn't in Herbology. She's not here either," I explained, lowering my voice to a whisper.
"Maybe, maybe she got sent home?" Hermione questioned.
"Draco's here, and Dumbledore would have sent him home too, if he sent Lexa home," I said, nodding toward the direction of Draco. What could have happened to her? She was with McGonagall; she was safe.
"Maybe.. Maybe..." Ron thought.
"Maybe what, Ron? Nothing adds up!" Hermione hissed. "She's not a her classes, and she's not sent home. She was with McGonagall, she couldn't have been captured or hurt in any way."
"Why do you say that?" Ron said. "A student could have attacked McGonagall and took Lexa!"
"Underage student's wands are monitored by the ministry. Scrimageor would be smart to have someone regulating that stuff." Hermione told Ron sternly.
"What if-" Ron started.
"Would you two shut up and quit bickering like a bunch of idiots! I can't stand it! You're driving me nuts!" I yelled, and finished stirring my potion. I grabbed a vile out of my bag and poured some of my potion into it. Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I set the vile on Slughorn's table and raged out of the room, leaving my two best-friends sitting there, awe-struck at my departure.
I walked into the common room and sat down on the couch. There were two second years playing wizards chess on a study desk. I watched the fire as I thought about Lexa. What if she wasn't safe?

Life of a Malfoy
FanfictionAlexandria Malfoy is almost sure she knows exactly who she is when she steps onto the Hogwarts express with her twin brother, Draco. But when she steps off with Harry Potter, her world turns upside down. She tries to break the Slytherin Princess st...