He's My Dork {8}

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Dedicated to FluffyBunny because I'm still so freaking excited that she's back! :DD And she's on the cool dork list with Misha. So yea, read this, and then go read her stories, because I promise you won't regret it! :D 


                                                                                ***Collie’s POV***

                “Where are you going Collie?” Colin asked curiously as I grabbed the car keys.

                “To Misha’s house,” I said. “I’ll be back later.”

                Colin eyed me with a look I couldn’t quite identify. “When are you finally going to tell me who Misha is?” he asked at last.

                “When I’m dating him,” I said and left the house.

                I got in my car and drove myself to Misha’s house. My hand was throbbing badly today, and I grit my teeth at the pain.

                I pulled into the Redner’s driveway a few minutes. I got out of the car and went up to the door, ringing the doorbell.

                Emma pulled the door opened and offered me a slight smile, stepping aside. I went into the house and sighed.

                “Emma, did something happen between you and Colin yesterday? You two have been giving me looks that I don’t like,” I said in annoyance.

                “Nothing happened Collie. Misha’s in his room,” she said and walked away without another word.

                She almost seemed a little angry at me, but I couldn’t figure out why. I hadn’t done or said anything bad to her.

                Shrugging it off, I went upstairs and down the hallway. I could hear music drifting out of Misha’s bedroom, and let myself in.

                Misha looked up at me from his desk. He shut his laptop and stood up, coming over to me. A look that I couldn’t identify flashed through his eyes.

                “Hi Collie,” he said, forcing a smile.

                “Why is everyone giving me that same look? You, Emma, and Colin are all acting like I did something wrong! What happened yesterday?” I asked in frustration.

                He opened his mouth to speak, but his eyes widened as they rested on my hand. He pulled me over to his bed and sat me down.

                “Wait there,” he said sternly and disappeared out of his room.

                He returned a minute later with an icepack. He carefully took my wrist and placed the icepack on my hand. I couldn’t help but let out a hiss of pain.

                “You need to go to the doctor’s. I don’t even care anymore Collie. I swear to god that if you haven’t gone by the end of the week, I’m going to tell your parents,” he said sternly. “I bet they don’t even know about it. You’ve been hiding your hand from your parents, haven’t you?”

                “Yes,” I said, seeing no point in lying. “My hand is fine.”

                “You’re so stubborn,” he groaned.

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