Are You Jealous Yet? A Luke Hemmings Story

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**New story, new people, new artists, I'm going 5 seconds of summer and seeing where that takes me. I hope you like it and I hope it goes well. I don't know much about them sorry so some will be made up. 
Thanks for reading


"And the Vampires and Wolves won't sink their teeth, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm sick of dancing with the beast" I went crazy. Gripping his hands as tight as I could we spun round and round together, not caring about all of the weird looks we were getting. Not listening to the others trying to calm us down. Together, nothing could stop us.

"Luke, stop now" Lie. I say nothing, but really there was one thing. One thing that stopped him. Both our heads turned past the five others standing with us. 

"Hope!" Luke smiled and dropped my hands. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her neck. Their lips latched onto each other. I turned in disgust. For some reason I hated seeing Luke and Hope together. It made me feel slightly sick but I have no idea why.

"Here we go again" Ashton mumbled between coughs, the rest of us all started to giggle and Luke pulled away from Hope. 

"I can hear you, you know" Luke said pulling one arm away but leaving the other draped around her shoulder. "I think we're going to go, I'll catch up with you all later" Luke said turning. Normally, if Hope wasn't here we'd all get a proper goodbye. I'd even get a hug but no, now she ruled our group.

"You alright Erin?" Michael asked coming a little closer to me. 

"Why wouldn't I be alright?" I said. "He can do whatever he wants with her right? I mean we're just friends" I lied, we weren't just friends. We were best friends. I'd known Luke for so long. He'd kept his relationship with Hope a secret for ages before he decided to open up and tell everyone. I was the last person he told and probably the most important. We always told each other everything. Even before we told the rest of the group.

The group, we called ourselves the wombats in copy of the band, Luke and I loved the band and that is why we called ourselves that. The group consisted of me, Luke, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Josie and Sophia. Luke insisted that Hope was part of our group too but none of us wanted her in there. 

The boys: Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke were all in a band called 5 seconds of summer. They'd been a band for two years now. They were amazing and had been asked to go on a tour with One Direction, in Europe. That's far from our area here in Australia. 

Ashton backed the others away so it was just him and I on our own. 

"It's weird, Luke is the sensible one in our group, yet he always goes a little crazy when he's around you" 

"Maybe you could say I bring out the worst in him?" I shrugged, I loved the way Luke was when he was around me, for some reason it felt like the real him.

"So you know that each of us boys are allowed one guest on the tour" Ashton said standing on one side of me as we started to walk. 

"Really? Who you going to take?" I asked looking at the ground as I walked next to him.

"We've kind of all worked it out" He explained. "Calum has Sophia, Michael has Josie, Luke has Hope and I take you" Ashton said grinning. 

"You're taking us? What about family?" I laughed.

"You are family" He laughed too swinging his arm around me.

"Aww Ash" I giggled holding his hand that was around my neck.

"Alsoifigureditmightmakelukeabitjealous" Ashton said quietly and very quickly.


Ashton sighed. He glanced behind him at the four others that were trailing making sure they weren't in ear shot. 

"I know you like Luke" He said very slowly but very quietly.

"Yeah, I do like Luke, as a friend" I said clearly. 

"I'm not stupid Erin! I mean you like, like him" Ashton grinned. 


"I don't need to explain I know you know what I am talking about!" 

"No I really don't!" I shouted. Ashton quickly looked behind us to make sure the others weren't listening. 

"Erin, I know how you feel about Luke, I can see it when you see him with Hope, you always look away" 

"Ashton, I have no idea what you're talking about, I hate watching Luke and Hope because it is disgusting, wet, salivary, and they look like they are eating each others faces off, now if you like that, then that's your own opinion" 

"That's gross Erin" Ashton laughed.

"It's not my fault their relationship is built on snogging and not on actual bonding or you know maybe love, I rarely ever see them speak, I just see them going at it" I sniggered. "It is pretty gross though"

"That is true. Anyway!" Ashton said a little louder. "I know how we can make him jealous!" 

"Why do we want to make him jealous?" 

"So he realises how much he likes you! And you like him so you can be together, forever and his song writing can actually be genuine and not made up rubbish" 

"I'm going to make this clear, I. do. not. like. Luke" I said slowly, dictating each of the words as clear as I could. 

"Whatever, you deny your feelings but I know they are there no matter how small. And we are going to work on this jealousy thing" 

"Okay, so I don't like him but I am curious of what you're plan is and maybe I might go along with it if it is not to drastic" 

"That's my girl" Ashton grinned and winked at me. 

"So what do I need to do?" 

"In four days all of us are going to Britain for our tour with One Direction that is when we begin, all I want you to do is to pretend you are in a loving relationship" 


"With me" 

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