"Hey loves," I said and she looked at me tears in her eyes, "It's okay. I'm here. The bad guys are gone."

A sniffle came from the back seat. I leaned through the front seats and grabbed Valentine, pulling her into my lap as I sat back in my seat.

"Who's this?" Casey asked, her voice weak.

"This is Valentine," I looked at Casey, I wasn't sure what she was going to think, "My daughter."

Casey looked at me. Shock was evident in her eyes.

"Let's go eat." She said. What the actual fuck?  "Come on Valentine."

Casey grabbed her hand and climbed out of the car.

I followed slowly.


He has a daughter?

She looks about 2

I looked at the little girl, she was definitely Blake's daughter. She looked just like him.

"I'm Valentine." the little girl spoke.

She had such a sweet little bird voice.

I smiled at her still holding her hand. I took her to a table while Blake ordered our food.

"I'm Casey." I told Valentine.

"Is my daddy nice?" She asked me.

"Yes, he's amazing." I looked at Blake as he leaned on the railing while waiting in line to order our food.

"I really want to stay with my daddy." Valentine told me, "my mommy is mean.

She used to hit me if I did a bad thing. Then my uncle was mean to me too.

I didn't have a bed at my uncles house. He made me sleep on the ground."

I looked at the little girls raggy night gown, crazy hair and dirty face.

"Come with me." I told Valentine. I walked out to Blake's car and pulled out an extra shirt that he had.

I then took Valentine back into McDonald's and to the women's restroom.

I took a paper towel and wet it, then wiped the dirt from her face. I then took the pony band off my wrist and finger combed her brown hair back into a small bun.

Lastly, I took off her night gown and then pulled Blake's shirt over her head and threw the nightgown in the trash.

Valentine looked completely changed.

She was even more beautiful now, if that was even possible.

She stared at me intently the whole time.

"Can you be my new mommy?" Valentine asked me.

I was stunned at her question at first but got ahold of my self quickly.

"Sweetheart, I can whatever you want me to be." I said while I caressed her cheek.

I picked her up from the counter and placed her on my hip.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her head into my neck.

Then we walked out of the bathroom.


Casey and Valentine walked out of the bathroom.

Casey looked like she was meant to be carrying my beautiful daughter on her hip.

I looked at the two girls in my life and I couldn't imagine anyone else that would look better carrying my daughter.

Casey sat in the booth and put Valentine on the inside seat next to her.

"Casey is my new mommy." Valentine said while she popped a fry into her mouth.

I looked at Casey. She was looking down on Valentine with a smile on her face.

I loved the way mommy sounded when she talked about Casey.

Casey leaned down and placed a kiss on Valentine's forehead.

This was a nice was to end the day.....


Soooo longer chapter! Yay!

What do you guys think about Blake having a daughter.

What about how he was only 15 when she was conceived?

How about the way Paul let him leave so easy?

And finally how about the way Casey acted with Valentine?

Let me know what you think!


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