As Camila is bent over the dresser stuffing clothes into a bag, she admires how the girl looks in Lauren's t-shirt and a simple pair of leggings. Breathtaking.

Lauren couldn't stop herself from looking at the pile of broken glass in the corner. What had Camila went through with this asshole?

Normani soon runs through the doorway, interrupting Lauren's thoughts. "We've got trouble."

Camila stands, eyes connecting with Lauren's. "Let's go."

"Do you have everything?" Lauren questions.

"I have enough," Camila shrugs. "I would rather buy a whole new wardrobe than have to be in the same apartment as him for any longer."

Lauren shoots her a sympathetic grin before taking a bag in her hand.

"Wait." Camila stops Lauren before rushing over to the tiny closet. The smaller girls digs around in the bottom mess before pulling out a worn teddy bear. "Don't laugh, I love him." Camila mumbles as she stuffs the bear into her trash bag.

"I would never," Lauren states with a smile before leading Camila out to the living room.

"What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" An angry man screams at Dinah.

"I would back the hell up if I were you," Dinah growls, watching Normani pick up one of Camila's bags. "Come on guys let's go." She motions toward her friends, beginning to walk towards the front door.

Daniel turns around to see who the Polynesian girl was talking to, instantly his icy blue eyes connect with Camila's.

"Camila?" He questions, taking a step closer. Camila instantly cowers behind Lauren. The green eyed girl instantly begins taking steps to the door, avoiding Daniel.

"Hey," He states more firmly. "Don't fucking ignore me."

Normani's gaze connects with Lauren's shooting her a warning. Lauren instantly whips around, shielding Camila. "Don't fucking touch her," Lauren growls, her jade eyes turning a shade darker.

Daniel retracts his hand, "Is this your new lesbian guard dog?" He questions Camila, his tone blunt.

At this Dinah comes stomping up, grabbing his shirt collar. "Listen here you piece of fucking-"

"Dinah!" Lauren calls out. "Let's get Camila out of here, he isn't worth it." Dinah makes vicious eye contact with the boy before letting him go. She motions for the other girls to get a head start out the door.

The girls hold the elevator for Dinah, once she's on and the doors begin to close Daniel rushes from his apartment, holding his nose. "This isn't fucking over, Camila!"

As the doors close Camila relaxes into Lauren's side, breathing out a sigh of relief. These girls protected her, they were family. "Did you punch him?" Normani curiously asks.

Dinah shrugs, a little smirk playing on her lips. "I might've." This causes a much needed fit of laughter between all of the girls.

Once on the street Camila can't stop the apologies flowing from her lips. Lauren simply pulls the girl into her side, continuing to carry her things.

"Thank you so much," Camila says a lot more quietly, only wanting Lauren to hear.

"I'm going to keep you safe, Camz."

Camila's eyes study the beautiful girl by her side. Lauren's lips turn up in a smirk as they soon near their apartment building.

"I like the nickname," Camila lightly giggles, making Lauren's heart flutter.

Lauren and Camila each take turns hugging Normani and Dinah. "Thank you so much for being there for Camila," She whispers in Normani's ear.

"No problem," The darker skinned girl pulled away, gently sitting Camila's bag down. "I know you won't admit it, but you needed us there too, we knew that." Normani shyly smiles before exiting the apartment, with Dinah following closely behind.

Before Dinah shuts the door she turns around to face Camila, "Welcome home, Chancho." She says with a light grin. 

Normani was right. She knew her friends could tell that Camila meant a lot to Lauren, and Lauren knew she couldn't be strong for the two of them upon entering a place with such bad memories in it for the smaller girl.

Camila shyly looks at the ground. "My life is just packed into three trash bags, it's so strange."

"Well let's get you unpacked, goofball."

Camila and Lauren spent the next few hours reorganizing Lauren's closet and dressers to make room for Camila's clothes. Although the smaller girl felt like a huge bother, she wasn't, Lauren happily moved her stuff around in the bathroom to give Camila an equal amount of counter space. Lauren said she could just shove her own stuff to the side, anything to make Camila feel secure in her new environment. Lauren made sure to put Camila's teddy bear on the younger girls side of the bed, the small gesture seems to make butterflies erupt in Camila's stomach.

As the girls toss the trash bags into the waste container in the kitchen, the girls make eye contact. Lauren quickly pulls the smaller girl into a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around her waist. "You don't have to deal with that prick anymore, okay? You're safe now." Lauren soothingly whispers into the girls ear, making Camila's heart beat out of control, she was almost sure Lauren could hear it.

"Thank you so much," Camila breathlessly responds to the older girl, nuzzling into the crook of the girls neck.

"For what?" Lauren chuckles.

Camila thinks over the question for a moment.

"For saving me."

(a/n): I've been getting so much positive feedback on this account and I'm loving it almost as much as I love you! Leave me any suggestions if you wish. All the love.

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