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J U L I E T T E  M O N T O Y A

"You're here miss." The driver announced, the sound of his voice waking me up. He gave me a smile of sympathy once I had paid the given amount.

Sighing, I got out the car and opened the trunk, revealing the messily packed items. I struggled to get it all out, but still managed to do it. The man smiled once more before driving off out of the neighborhood.

I knocked on the door looking like a complete mess of things, still thinking of a way to spill all the news.

"Juliette? Oh my god, are you okay?" She asked in shock, guiding me inside the house.

"Can I stay with you?" I pleaded, hoping she'd say yes and to my luck, she did.

"What happened?" She questioned and thinking about it again made me burst into tears. She rubbed my back while giving me words of encouragement which helped.

"I-I'm, I'm pregnant. Please don't hate me." I admitted not wanting to looking into her eyes.

"You're what?" Three voices called, startling both Marlyn and I. Once we looked up, three boys came into view. The first one was Matt, second was Marlyn's brother Jack J, and third was Jack Gilinsky who I haven't seen in years.

"What the hell guys?" Marlyn growled, but honestly if I'm going to stay here, might as well say it.

"It's fine Marlyn. It's true, I'm pregnant." I declared and their faces contorted in disbelief. I continued on, explaining my situation and how it happened.

It was a burden to explain, but they all seemed to be sympathetic.

"Well, we will help you through it." Gilinsky offered which really was the highlight of this whole thing. "So what do you think of naming the baby?"

"I don't know yet, just to remind you I'm only 3 weeks pregnant." I reminded him stifling a laugh and he laughed along with me.

"Okay well if you have a boy name him Jack cause well, duh, but if it's a girl name it Jacqueline and her nickname is Jacky." he suggested jokingly, I hope.

"I'll see. I'm still contemplating whether to give them their father's last name or not." I say, shrugging off the thought of Shawn quickly.

S H A W N  M E N D E S

Sleeping was tough. All I could think about was her. It's like no matter how much I try to erase her from my memory, she keeps coming back.

I've tried my best to contact her, but all she does is ignore me. She truly was the love of my life and writing stupid love songs wasn't going to suffice.

I know deep down we're made for each other and somehow we'll find our way back.

songwriter|shawn mendes Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz