"So you need somebody to help Luke?" Emily asks, pacing, obviously trying to figure out who to choose.
"Yeah. He is getting really frustrated that he can't do it, yet the other boys can." I explain.
"None of our trainers have dealt with a situation like this before, and they aren't prepared to help him. There is only one wolf in this pack that had the same problem." She thought aloud.
"Who is it? Can they help Luke?" I looked at her with a hopeful expression.
"It's me." She said with a small voice. She looked me in the eye. "Tell Luke to go to the clearing in the woods. I'll be there to help him. It might be easier outdoors in a wolf's natural habitat." She orders.
I nod and run back to the house.
"So, I have to go into the woods alone, to meet somebody I've never met before?" Luke asks.
"I've explained this to you three times. Yes. She's trustworthy and you will need to trust her." I tell him.
"Okay. Just, if I'm not back by sundown, you know where I am." He tells me and walks out the back door, towards the woods that are a long the border of the city.
I sigh and flop onto the couch, flipping through the channels. "So, we're just going to sit here?" Calum asked.
"I only have two more lessons for you guys and I would prefer to teach them while Luke is here because it's just about werewolf socialization." I shrug, not taking my eyes of the TV. The feel the couch go down around me and realize the boys sat down too. Mikey yawned and slowly put his arm around my shoulder. "Really?" I looked him in the eye. "You're doing that one?" I smirked.
"Maybe." He smiled.
"Oh would you two just admit your feelings towards one another already!" Ash shouts from another room.
I felt my cheeks rise in temperature, and Mikey's doing the same. He pulled his arm away from me and I felt my heart shatter. Did that mean something?
Luke's P.O.V
I was almost to the clearing, when I heard a noise. I whipped around yet saw nothing. I shrugged it off, and kept walking. The clearing was two feet in front of me. I felt a pair of eyes on me.
I looked around and saw nobody. This was getting dang creepy. Am I in a horror movie or something? "Hello?" I called cautiously as I slowly walked into the clearing.
"Hi!" A females voice called. "Over here!" I saw who the voice belongs to waving me over to the creek. She had chestnut hair with golden streaks. Her gray eyes sparked with authority and happiness. "I'm guessing you're Luke?" She tilted her head.
"Yeah. What's your name?" I asked.
"Emily." She responded. "Are you ready to start?"
"Heck yeah!"
Y/N's P.O.V
"Its almost sunset. Should we go and find him?" I asked, pacing.
"He'll be fine." Calum assured me, though there was uncertainty in his voice.
"Don't you have that pack link thingy? Couldn't you call her and ask how is it going?" Mikey asks.
"Oh yeah." I mentally face palmed. I asked her the question and awaited a response.
Don't worry. He's fine. We just are waiting for the moon to try again. It helped me when I started. She assured me.
I completely misinterpreted that. Emma added to the convo. Dang it, forgot to use a private one. Now the whole pack heard.
Just don't jump out the window Emily. Maria added.
NO! I'M TO YOUNG! Emily joked.
I physically face palmed. "They're going to try and get him to transform again when the moon is out." I explain.
"Why'd you face palm? Are they up to something?" Ash asks, running into the room.
"The way she told me. The pack completely misinterpreted it and started using our inside jokes." I laughed.
"Will we learn the inside jokes?" Mikey asked.
"Not sure you wanna..."

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