He then went on to explaining the best ways to slay a dragon, and I almost threw up. All the ways he described were gruesome and cruel and mostly included letting the dragon die a slow painful death.

It was horrifying and I thought it would never end, but a bit past midday he stopped explaining how to kill and started having us practice the technique to do it. I noticed my father deliberately not looking at me, ignoring my stumbles and falters as he pretended I didn't exist. We were dismissed when the sun touched the horizon and I scampered away to put my stuff away then sneak away to the mess hall to find a way to smuggle some meat away for Caelea.

The trainees would be arriving soon for dinner, so I had to move fast. Next to the mess hall there was a smoking shack, a produce barn, (not really a barn, it was so small it could've been called a shack as well) and a large cooking fire outside were the food was prepared.

All the trainees were responsible for cooking their own food, including myself, and later we would be expected to hunt for it. Each trainee was issued rations for now, though. Anyone ever caught with more then they were allotted would be severely punished.

I slipped into the produce barn and grabbed my share then collected my meat as well. I shoved it all into a burlap sack I found in the corner of the barn and ran as fast as I could toward Dragon's Keep. With my sack slung over my shoulder, I began to climb the path to the Dragon's Cave.

Caelea I'm coming!

Are you bringing food? She inquired.

Yes, yes, I'm bringing food. I thought back as I huffed up the hill, running as fast as possible on the slope.

Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Her excited squeals sounded in my head, and I pushed my legs to move even faster.

When I arrived at the mouth of the cave, I was gasping for breath.

Food! Caelea bounded up to me, then seeing me doubled over with my hands on my legs, What's wrong Fin? Are you okay? Do you have food?

"Just," huff, "Give," Huff, "Me one," huff, "second," I managed in between gasps of air. Slowly my breathing slowed and relaxed and I was able to pull the sack over my shoulder and open it in front of me with Caelea watching closely.

"Here," I said, pulling out the meat and setting it on the ground. Caelea sniffed it for a moment before gobbling it all down. Why did it taste... smoky? she asked slowly, searching for the right word.

"Because..." then realizing she might not understand, and that I didn't want to explain it, "Never mind. Did you like it?"

Yes! It's food! I like food! Food is good! She ran in circles and hopped up and down, no doubt working up more of an appetite then I would be able to feed.

"You know," I said, thing about how to keep her hunger in check, "If you see any small animals, you can catch them and eat them."

Are they food? Caelea asked.

"For you, yeah. Just don't wander too far away when I'm not here, okay?"


Her small mouth gaped open in a huge yawn, displaying many tiny, pointed teeth.

"I think its time for you to get some sleep." I chuckled, ushering her into the cave.

Are you gonna sleep with me?

I was about to refuse, but she set her shimmering eyes on me, and like anyone looking at a cute kid, I gave in. "Okay, but only for a little while, I have training tomorrow, and I'm already in a heap of trouble."

Dragon Scales Book one: HatchlingWhere stories live. Discover now