Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Quickening my pace towards the castle wishing as this gut wrenching feeling of someone following close by watching every move I was making frightening me more.

Sighing as I see the two large oak doors peering up ahead of me, but not before letting an ear splitting scream escape my lips as someone grabs my arm pulling me into the darkness of the courtyard.

"'s okay Granger just me" hearing his ass of a chuckle...did I just really say ass?

 Looking around trying to see who it was, but having a theory of it being Malfoy putting my hands on my hips "what do you want?"

He sighed "just making sure you were okay out here"...raising an eyebrow "why do you even care!"

"Ugg!!" walking away from him though he caught up fast "wait wait wait you know you really did look pretty at the ball Granger."

Rolling my eyes "as if i'm going to believe anything you say to me anymore" glaring at him "would this help?"

He grabbed my shoulder bringing me to face him planting his lips against mine...god they made me melt...wait what am I saying get yourself together Hermione.

Pulling away moments later slapping him across the face "even if you are able to swoon all your slutty girlfriends I will not be one of them!"

Turning on my heels and heading inside the school making sure I didn't get caught as I climbed the stairs.

"So that's just it then?"

I almost wanted to scream my heart out as his voice came from in front of me "how did you?"

Seeing a smile on his face from the dim candle lighting waving his hand across his face "magic."

Finding him standing right in front of me now "what do you honestly want Malfoy I am not going to bow down and kiss your ass like all your other slaves do for you."

This seemed to send electricity through his eyes "you filthy mudblood how dare you" "MALFOY!"

Looking up seeing Harry looking down at us "leave her alone or you'll regrett it."

Feeling gidish sticking my tongue out at him watching Harry go back into the common room brushing passed Malfoy, but once again grabbing my arm.

"Just for something for you to think about" second before none he placed his lips against mine sending so many mixed signals.

Pushing away from him minutes later breathless putting his forehead against my own "keep us a secret."

Then he was gone in a black cloud sighing...he's still using his death eater magic walking sluggishly up the remaining flights of stairs.

Opening the door to the common room seeing Harry waiting for me by the fire place "you alright Hermione?"

Giving him a small smile "yeah lets get to bed" before walking the steps to the girls dorm he grabbed my arm lightly.

"If you ever want to go out at night alone to think you can use my invisibility cloak."

Smiling at this "thanks Harry means alot to me" pecking his cheek and continued going into my dorm room.


"Hermione wake up!"

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