Chapter Eight: Getting Warmer

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Castiel hasn't been heard from in a while, so I decided the story could use an update of him


I sat on a perch in the old barn. It was old and rotting, but it had memories. Years before Diana and I had come here. She’d snuck away and we had a day before Artemis came and ruined it. As what Artemis does and will always do, I supposed.

   “Castiel?” I heard a quiet whisper. “Castiel?” I scanned the area and saw a small boy. I flipped down from the perch and walked towards him. Startled, he jumped and spilled some of the papers he was holding.

   “What’ve we got Benjamin?” I questioned scooping up the papers.

   “Ben,” the little boy corrected nervously. “I found nothing on the workings of the demons right now, but…” He held up a piece of paper. “The Order of Supernaturalities has launched a plan to attack a nest… or something.”

   I flipped through the papers. The Order of Supernaturalities, always making plans but never really following through. They were mostly a joke, only wanting to be in control. But who knows, maybe the apocalypse stirred them and they were finally coming to help in an actual fight.

   I took the piece of paper he was holding and looked at it carefully. The plan was to launch an attack against a nest of low level demons. Not important and they could deal with that in a snap. Now for the bigger more powerful demons, the Order would need help, so I disregarded their plan.

   “Castiel sir,” Ben spoke up holding another piece of paper. “I thought you’d might be interested in this sir.”

   I grabbed it; it was a newspaper clipping from a few years ago. I scanned over it, it was about a new community house and plan for Take Back The Night. There was a picture of the building that had been donated by a family, name not included, but I had a funny feeling of who donated it.

   “Thank you Benjamin,” I whispered. So they were in the area where I’d last left Sam and Dean.

   “Ben,” the boy insisted and I patted his head not listening to him. Instead I was focusing on getting back to Dean and Sam, to learn what they’d learned. If they actually had anything, sometimes they could be very dense and couldn’t get anything done.

   I grabbed the rest of the papers. “I’ll be back in a week. Keep researching the demons. I’ll be needing that information.”

   “Yes sir,” Ben gave a little bow and turned away.

   “And Benjamin.”


   “Here’s some money, incase you are in ever the need to bargain for some information,” I tossed him a pouch, full of coins.

   Yes sir,” Ben said again. “Thank you, sir.”

   I nodded and he left. I opened up another portal and went to Sam and Dean’s motel room


“What’ve you guys got,” I questioned walking into the kitchen and putting the papers onto the table.

   “Gah!” Dean exclaimed. “You gotta stop doing that Cas.”

   I nodded not listening. “What’ve you got?” I asked again.

   “Dean and I think we have a lead we could check out,” Sam stated going through the papers.

   “What?” I asked impatiently.

   “Diana – ” Dean began.

   “”Diana?” I stood up straighter, this was interested.

   “Yeah,” Dean said. “We met this girl, who was amazing looking, and she’s got these powers and these sisters who are super protective.”

   “Diana?” I questioned again.

   Sam frowned at me. “Umm, yes, Diana.”

   “You found Diana,” I said a warm glow coming to me.

   “Uh, yah,” Sam said still giving me a weird look. “Then there was this girl, Lewanna, who was giving me a hard time at the café, where Dean had met up with Diana.”

   “Lewanna? Diana?” I could feel the closeness between us growing already. “What are Diana’s sister’s names?”

   “Uh, Mary and Selene,” Dean answered,

   I gave an out of place victory cry and the brothers looked at each other uncertainly. I quickly recomposed myself.

   “Don’t you see, we have them? Gaia and her daughters,” I told them.

   “Um Cas, it was just a lead. There’s no proof that these girls are in fact Gaia’s,” Sam stated firmly.

   “No, they are, I know they are,” I insisted.

   “Well we could check it out,” Sam said.

   “Dean pulled out his cell. “I’ll call Diana and ask if she’ll meet us.”

   I watched Dean as he called Diana. I’d have to get the number off of him.

   “Her cell’s been disconnected,” he said and I swore under my breath, frustrated. But then he put the phone to his ear again.

   “Hi is Diana there?” he questioned. “Dean… no please… just.” He closed the phone. “They hung up on me. I think they are who we’re looking for.

   I nodded, it sounded like them; controlling.

   “We’ll go to her house tomorrow,” Sam said and I was surprised that Diana had given her address so casually.

   “Why not tonight,” I questioned anxious.

   “It’s dark out and they probably won’t appreciate us in the day, so it’s probably not a good idea to go at night,” Dean told me.

   I sighed, they were right and it’s not like I hadn’t spent more then one night without seeing Diana. I’d spent years, decades and even a century without her. One more night wouldn’t kill me.

   “Alright, I’ll stay tonight,” I murmured. Dean and Sam nodded. Just one night, then Diana.

There Chapter 8. Hope you guys liked it and if you did please vote and fan!

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