"Y/N? Are you in here?" I hear Mikey's voice call. I hold back a small whimper. The door shuts but I don't hear him leave. I do hear the sound of him sliding down the door and onto the floor. Then I hear sounds of him crying. Wait? Crying?!
I peek my face out slowly and see he is holding his hands to his face and his shoulders are shaking. I crawl out from under the bed quietly and transform to human. I crawl over to him and wrap my arms around him. "Shh. Don't cry, I'm right here." I whispered, him leaning closer to me.
"I thought you ran away again. That was the worst time of my life when I woke up and you were gone." He whimpered.
"Oh Mikey, I didn't want to make you guys upset. I was just trying to protect you from all the dangers of me being a werewolf." I cooed, feeling my shirt get wet from his tears. "I thought you guys were gonna hate me when you found out. That you were going to think I'm a weirdo."
"Not at all!" Michael looked me straight in the eye. "If you're thinking we would kick you out, you're wrong. That just makes you so much cooler! This is your home, we would never take that away from you!" He says seriously.
I was so touched by this, I jumped up and started doing random things around the room. Michael laughed, then joined in on the random things. After I calmed down, I sat on the bed.
"I just have one question." He says, sitting on the bed next to me.
"What was it like not eating pizza, and human food in general, for that long period of time?" He asked, laying down arcoss the bed.
I laughed. "Terrible." I layed back next to him, laying my head on his chest, him wrapping his arm my shoulders protectively. As if saying, no one is going to take her away from me.
~Time skip brought to you by me spending another couple hours drawing more 5SOS stuff yesterday. Thats a picture of everything so far, at the top. Why does this happen?~
"So, I have something to also tell you guys now that you know I'm a werewolf." I notify the four boys who have gotten even closer to me since the found out.
"Is it that you can make pizza appear with your mind? Because that would be awesome." Michael guessed from behind me. He was currently wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder.
"Nah, that would be cool though. But actually, in exactly two weeks, it's my birthday. The day after that is when my pack is throwing a celebratory party for all of us being of age. My Luna wants you guys to come, because she needs to discuss some things with you. She actually gave me permission to stay here and protect you from bad creatures until it was around my birthday. Then I was aloud to tell you." I explain.
The all nod, waiting for me to continue. Ash has a puzzled look on his face. "Wait. How do you know your Luna wants to see us? How did you find out about getting permission?" He questioned.
"One, remember Emma?" I asked. They nodded. "She's the Beta of ny pack and she brought the Luna over here to talk to me. Two, we have a mind link communication thingy set up within our pack. So yeah."
"I see." Ash muttered. Michael just gave me a tight squeeze of a hug, and snuggled his face closer to my neck. The boys gave Mikey a quick glare, and returned their gazes to me.
"Michael Clifford, what are you doing?" I ask the guitarist who has been hugging me since earlier. He won't let go. I've even tried offering him pizza.
"If you're in a pack, that means you have a pack house. And a rank." Calum observed.
"Yeah, my pack house is where I dragged Mikey to on that walk three months ago, so I could grab a few things, and my rank," my ears became red. "I'm a scout." I bearly managed to get out. It wouldn't of even been audible for Mikey to hear, and he is right next to me.
"You're a scout!?" They all shout. Wait, they heard that, that's strange. I sniffed the air, and could smell other werewolves.
"Mikey, can I check your neck?" I asked.
"You aren't going to bite it or anything? Right?" He asked nervously, standing in front of me.
"Ew! No! That's vampires!" I pull off his flannel.
"Um... Mikey, how long have you had this scratch?" I ask, pointing at the long one made by claws on his neck.
"Um... I dunno. The boys and I got attacked by a couple wolves a while ago, but that's the only damage they did. Once they scratched our necks, they left." He shrugged.
"Wait, all of you!?" I panic. No, this isn't happening. They nod. Oh gods, these guys are werewolves too.