Forever: Chapter 20

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Excuse mistakes I always forget to edit

Yn P.O.V.

" mother tell daddy to take us to mcdonalds " Ari says

" daughter tell daddy yourself " I said imitating her voice

" mommy please he'll say yes to you because of the twins "

" girl where is your daddy at? " I sighed

" in the living room " she whined

" CRAIG!!!!! " I yelled

" I could've did that ma " she laughed

" obviously you couldn't because you didn't tho " I scrolled on Instagram

" did you see what auntie Bri put up last night ? " she asked me

" nope " I continued scrolling

" it was a post and delete she was being shady towards who idk " Ari said looking on my phone

" what " Craig said coming into the room

" your daughter wanted you " I looked up at him

" Nuh huh mom wanted to know if you could take us to chick fil a ? "

" I thought you wanted to go to mcdonalds ? " I locked my phone and laid it on the dresser

" nah I want some waffle fries " she stood up on the bed

" get yo ass off my bed " Craig said walking in to the closet Ari turned around on the bed and did a backflip off it

" girl don't be doing that " I laughed  " don't be a hater ma " she grabbed her phone

" let's go " Craig said coming out the closet he walked over to me and kissed me

" you want anything babe? " he asked grabbing his keys I shook my head

" I'll be in the car " Ari said walking out the room

" nope nope " I said looking at him

" I'll bring you back something anyway " he said walking out the room and down the stairs

Craig P.O.V.

" so what's been up princess how's school ? " I asked Ari we haven't spent much father daughter time together and I miss my baby, I remember when she was 3 we were basically inseparable now my baby all grown

" school is school " she said texting away on her phone

" it has to be more then that Ariana, tell me about the boy you like " I silently prayed it wasn't any boy

" well I actually wanna talk to you about that " she said hesitantly I nodded motioning for her to continue

" Ty plans on asking me to the dance... "

" what you mean plans on asking you, see these boys ain't no good he gotta weigh out all his options before he ask my baby girl out . I knew I ain't like him what's his address I'm gonna go run him over I hope he outside " I rambled on

" whoa slow down old man it isn't another girl, he's coming by the house later maybe I'll know then but if he does ask me can I go ? " she asked sweetly

" if your mom says it's okay then yes "

" yes! " she celebrated

" why you so happy ? "

" mommy already said yes if it was okay with you " I shook my head pulling into McDonalds drive thru

" and she ain't tell me your mom is a trip " I pulled up to the window and order our food

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