44. Brady (Part 2)

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44. Brady (Part 2)

"Dean?" I called out. "Dean, can you hear me?"

"In here, Dak!"

I was about to head upstairs when I heard his voice. I headed in his voice's direction. "Dean?"

"Get it open, now, before I break it!"

"Don't do that," I groaned as I trotted.

My lips pursed at seeing a chair shoved against the door and under the knob. Dean's pounding on the door confirmed it for me. Upstairs, my ass. If Sam didn't leave Brady alive, Dean wasn't going to be the only one to kick his ass.

"Get it open, Dak!"

"Okay, okay, chill out!" I went to the door and removed the chair from its post. Dean swung the door open, a very pissed off expression covered his face.

"Were you in on it?" he demanded.

"Would I have let you out if I was?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You left him alone with Brady?!"

"He said he could handle it!" I threw my hands in the air.

"And you trust that?"

"Y-yes." I cleared my throat. "Yes, I do."

Dean shook his head—disappointed in me, I could tell. "You've got to learn to not trust people, Dak, if you want to make the right decisions."

"Not exactly advice of the year."

"What happened?" Dean bellowed over my head. I spun around to see Sam had come back. I could feel my anger bubble.

"Nothing," Sam reported.

"My ass."

"Dean, I'm fine."

"Yeah?" Dean started to fast-walk down the hall. "You sent Dak in the wrong direction, you lied to her, man! And what about Brady?"

I heard Sam sigh behind me. I was right behind Dean as we turned into Brady's room, to find the demon very much alive. Bloody, but alive.

"Like you said," Sam said quietly. "We need him."

My mouth parted in surprise. I felt a bit of pride swell inside of me. Sam had kept himself true. He didn't finish off Brady. But I'll bet he did a lot to goad Sam to kill him, to do some sort of harm.

"God," came Crowley's exasperated tone. I jumped away as he was pretty close to us, a little too close to my liking. "The day I've had." His dark eyes were on Brady. "Good news. You're going to live forever."

"What did you do?" Brady asked. Is that fear I hear in his voice?

"Went over to a demons' nest—had a little massacre. Must be losing my touch, though—let one of the little toads live. Oops. Also might have given said toad the impression that you left your post last night because you and I are—wait for it—lovers in the league against Satan." Crowley chuckled.

Brady only sighed.

"Hello, darling. So, now, death is off the table. Now you get to be on the boss's eternal-torment list with little old me."

"Oh, no, no, no, no. No."

"Something else we have in common—apart from our torrid passion, of course—craven self-preservation. So, now, why don't you tell me where Pestilence is at?"

All hairs on my body stood on end as a distant howl broke the tense silence. I associated the howling with only one creature. The scars, the areas that had received vicious canines and claws, began to dully throb as a reminder.

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