Sentenced to Death (Chapter Twenty-Eight)

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


This is what Annastazija greeted me with when I walked into the game room sometime later that day.  "Nice to see you too," I replied.  The only other one in the room was Josh.  "Did I interupt something?"

"No, come on in."  Cat then pulled out a determined face, or at least something similar to it.  "Besides, I have some questions for you."

"Should I leave?" I asked Josh.

"Just go with it."  He had an amused smile.

"Okay!"  Cat jumped up from her coach.  "First question: Would you rather where pants on your right leg or your left one?"

I stared at her.  "Preferably both," I deadpanned.

"Okay.  Next question.  If it was the middle of Winter and a hungry dinosaur with an eye patch was in the middle of your backyard, would you feed it bran cereal or Kellogg's?"

I looked at her like she had grown three heads.  "Um, kellogg's?"

"Okay.  If you were a piece of hair, would you rather be put in a French braid or a cooked in a rump roast and what color?"

"What's a rump roast?  Either way, I would probably rather be put in a French braid.  And brown I guess."

"Moving on!"  Yeah, just move on without answering my question.  "Oh yeah, it's a butt!"  Yep, going with the French braid.

"Are all of your questions going to be abnormal at some level?" I inquired.

"Ja!  Now, would you rather be five or seventeen-thousand years old?"

"Five.  I do not want to live that long.  Besides, who knows how I'll act that old."

Then, the door opened and Selena walked in.  "What's going on in here?"

"It's a Q and A sesh!" Cat told her with an excited voice.

"Cool, I want to help."  She walked over and sat on the coach that Cat had previously occupied.  "Now Matt-chew, would you rather be a daisy or a light bulb?"

I decided against protesting the use of my nickname.  It wouldn't change their minds anyway.  "A light bulb.  Don't ask why, just an answer."  I really didn't know how to answer that one anyway.

"This is tough question that many people don't know how to answer, so it's okay," she assured me.  Not surprising, these questions weren't everyday things.  Maybe to her, but not to me.

Suddenly Cat's face lit up.  "Oh yeah!  I need to get some more tree branches!"  She ran out of the room with us three in tow.

"Why do you need more?" I asked.

"I broke one earlier when defending my cookie jar from the forces of evil.  I also broke the jar but that's not a problem.  We've got replacements waiting in line."  Of course you do.

We followed her out the front door and into the surrounding trees.  She jumped up onto a tree and kicked off a large branch.  My attention was grabbed however by a different tree.  On the trunk was a sign that said SPEED LIMIT and under that 35.

"Um, why is there a speed limit on the tree?  I don't see any roads near here."  I asked anyone who would answer.

"Oh that," Josh questioned.  "Cat put that up there as a speed limit for vampires."

"You can run that fast?"


"But, why does it say in marker underneath +45?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2011 ⏰

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