Chapter 9

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PICTURE OF ISAAC ------------>

~Zane’s POV~

My eyes scanned the overly large crowd for any sign of Isaac. Even though I planned to keep Kat by my side at all times I didn’t trust Isaac for anything and I knew he would want her for himself. Isaac was used to getting his way easily so I knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer. If he wanted her he would stop at nothing until she was his.

I knew he had been invited, why wouldn’t he have been? Being the favorite nephew of the king and queen meant he was invited to everything held by the royals whether he actually came or not was a different story. Isaac did whatever he pleased and felt no shame in doing so. In an odd way I admired that aspect of him. He wasn’t afraid to do whatever he wanted and be himself, the only problem with those two was that he abused both. Basically he was the typical immature bad ass who through a hissy fit if he didn’t get what he wanted and spit in your face just because he didn’t like what you were wearing. But at the same time he was incredibly clever, he knew how to play thins until what he wanted was his.

I looked over my shoulder where Kat stood, that horrid leash that was attached to my wrist still intact. I truly did hate the collar but I also didn’t want to put her in any kind of danger because I wouldn’t make her wear it. She didn’t understand. Any human that didn’t have a collar on out in the open like this might as well be put on a platter and served as an appetizer for the vampire who got to them first.

I turned away, and back to the crowd this time seeing Gwen and Keera headed towards two men who were both dressed in all black. I blinked in realization that the red head was Isaac but I couldn’t place the blonde beside him and figured that he must just be another one of Isaac’s friends, escorts or whatever else he thought to have. I watched them for a moment longer before I felt a slight tug on my wrist and turned in an almost panicked state only to calm as I came face to face with Kat.

“Jeez, chill.” she said quietly, smiling a small smile.

“Sorry, I’m just a little on edge with everyone here. What did you need?” I asked, running a hand through my bangs.

“I was just wondering if I could go with Xavier and Derek for a bit.”

“Am I boring you?” I asked smiling teasingly.

“No! I just...” she sprang to defend herself, looking flustered as her face turned pink with embarrassment.

“Shh, I was just kidding.” I laughed, “Will you be okay? Where is Xavier?”

He's right outside the doors, I swear.” she promised, holding her right hand in the air.

“I don't know. How about I escort you over there?” I felt a twinge of uneasiness at the thought of her going as far as halfway across the room alone.

“I'll be fine Zane, I mean Xavier and Derek wouldn't let anything happen.” she assured.

After a moment of mentally battling with myself I nodded. “Okay. Just please stay out of danger.” I ordered pleadingly. If anything happened to her because I’d allowed her to be alone in a room full of vampires I would never forgive myself.

~ Kat's POV ~

His eyes were full of worry and I could understand completely why, I was worried myself but I’d never admit it to him. In all actuality Xavier had managed to catch me while Zane had been looking away, whispering that he wanted to talk to me alone and not to let Zane know. Considering it was Zane's birthday ball I assumed it probably had something to do with that but I wasn't sure.

“Okay. Just please stay out of danger.” he said finally, his voice heavy with feeling and I knew he was probably worrying already like a mother hen and I mentally laughed at the thought.

Losing It All Is Easier Than Getting It BackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon