Chapter Thirty One

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I'm never going to have any fun ever again. I've been restricted to the mansion as a punishment, because I "can't be trusted to follow orders at the moment". I'm going to be more bored than Lux, and apparently, that's saying something.

Looking on the bright side, at least I won't be falling off anymore buildings or nearly dying anytime soon.

I'm sitting in my room meditating on Barriss again. I don't understand why she wanted to expelle me from the order. Blowing up the temple and killing innocents. This isn't the Barriss I used to know. Something is wrong, and I don't know what it is, but it is.

She could have just bombed the Jedi temple and left it at that. But she didn't. Everything pointed towards me, except the fact I wasn't even on the same planet at the time. I don't understand why she came after me herself in a disguise. Was I not going to get caught otherwise?

Barriss betrayed everyone, her friends, her teachers, everyone. And for that reason, everyone, except Anakin, betrayed me. No one trusted me.

And the second thing worrying me?

How did the woman in Manderlorian armour get my lightsaber before the clones. Was she searching for me before then? If so, why? Why did she break into the warehouse? Why did she steal several weapons? Who were they for?

I think back to when I fell from the balcony. How did I fall? Did someone push me? Was I attacked? Why did I go up instead of down in the first place? Did they use a mind trick to make me forget?

I'm beyond confused. Nothing makes sense, I don't know what to do. But I do need to speak to Barriss. That, I do know.

I open my eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh. The sooner I get back to Coruscant, the better. I don't know how much longer I can go without answers. I swear it's beginning to drive me mad. But, actually, come to that, I don't even know if Barriss is being kept on Coruscant. If her fate was to be the same as mine, she'd probably be dead by know.

As for this moment in time, there is only one way to find out.

By searching for her presence in the force, I can find out whether or not she's alive. I close my eyes and empty my mind of other things. I search for her, frowning as I try harder. I can sense something, as if there is something somewhere, but it's trying to hide. Her force signature was there, I'm sure, but now, there is nothing. I can't understand it. I think she's hiding, but why? Why is she hiding her force signature?

Every time I try to get somewhere, I only end up with more questions. It's becoming increasingly frustrating. I just don't understand!

"Ahsoka?" The polite knock on the door tells me it's Lux. I drag myself to my feet, and use the force to open the door. Lux invites himself in.

"What's wrong with you?" He enquires, raising an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I say distractedly, still thinking of Barriss.

"You're distracted," he explains, sliding onto my bed, "I can tell,"

"What makes you think that?" I deny, sitting down on the floor and crossing my legs.

"Well, you...well you've not been yourself the last few days..." he says slowly.I frown at him.

"Have I?" I say coolly. I haven't noticed myself acting any differently. Maybe he hasn't spent enough time around Jedi. I don't understand what he means by "different".

"I don't really know how to explain it," Lux admits, looking at the floor.

"I don't really understand what you mean," I admit to him.

"Well, I just think you've been acting a little strangely. Don't ask me for an example, because I don't really know how to put it into words," he sighs.

"Well, I hope you can work it out soon. I won't know what you meant," I force myself to laugh.

Getting to my feet again, I walk to the balcony and slide open the door. The weather has dramatically changed over the last day. Now all I can see is fog and some of the biggest hail stones I've ever seen. The second the door is open, wind rushes into the room, sending the blinds and curtains crazy. I slam it back shut.

"Umm...well that's nice weather..." I comment awkwardly. Lux laughs.

"Yeah, the hail broke a window in the attic upstairs earlier. Definitely good weather," he says sarcastically.

I scan what I can see through the thick fog. But the furthest I can see is the garden wall. Everything else has been swallowed by whiteness.

Suddenly I blink in surprise. Maybe I was dreaming, but I thought I saw a ship, which was suspiciously low. Frowning, I search the landscape again to find nothing. Then, I see a flash of light, which makes me sure there is something there. I glance quickly back at Lux, but he doesn't appear to have noticed anything, he seems to be watching me. When he sees my frown, he pulls a face.

"Uh Ahsoka? What's wrong?" He asks me tentatively.

"It doesn't matter. I thought I saw something," I murmur, staring out into the distance. I hear his footsteps getting closer, until he's beside me.

"I can't see much at all to be honest," he jokes, as a green lights flashes and then disappears. I jump in surprise.

"Did you see that?" I ask Lux. He shakes his head, looking confused. I'm pretty certain it's a ship. I can hear one vaguely through the force. I change my focus and search for Anakin, wondering whether he or Obi Wan have noticed. I believe Anakin is standing near the window as well, but I doubt it's for the same reason.

I turn away from the window, just as my commlink beeps.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin's voice asks as I accept the call.

"Yes, Master?" I answer politely, even though I haven't really forgiven him yet.

"Meet me down stairs," he tells me, after a pause. I laugh.

"You do realise I'm only upstairs?"

"So, it's quicker this way," he offers me.

"Right. I'm coming," I reply. I walk to the door and turn around.

"See you Lux!"

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