"Do you want me to get you anything while I'm gone?"

"Some food would be nice."

I noticed her smile a little, "Okay."

I started to smirk a little, "Can i have dessert after?"

Her face turned a slight shade of red. She's still so beautiful when she's flushing. I love knowing I do that to her. She's never like this when other people say things like that. I know she enjoys it when I do them though. No one else will be able to. She mumbled, "We'll see, babe."

I softly pecked her lips, "I love you."

She smiled, "I love you."

Before I could say anything else she pecked my lips one last time before getting up. I don't like watching her get up to get ready for the day. I know this is how she feels everyday during the week when I have to work. She's so much stronger than I am about it. I know sometimes it gets to her but that's understandable. This has been going on for months. She deserves to finally have everything open. It's not too long now. I can't wait to see her happy about it. I know she'll be happier when that all happens.

Allison's POV

I really don't want to go to lunch but I feel like I need to. I haven't exactly talked to her since she married my dad. I can't hide my bump anymore. None of my clothes are loose enough. I'm not sure if Louis will be okay with this. We both should be okay with whoever we tell. This is about the both of us.

I got ready before walking back into our bedroom. I noticed him still laying there with a slight smirk on his lips. I slightly shook my head. I'm not surprised. I made my way over to him. I sat down on the edge of our bed, intertwining our fingers. I felt him squeeze my hand, "I can tell you're thinking about something, love."

I can't help but smile a little bit, "Yeah. Would you be okay if I told her about me being pregnant."

I noticed him start to smile, "If you want to tell her you can, love. I don't want you trying to hide it. We have more things to worry about. People are going to find out and I don't want you worrying about anything more than you already are."

I smiled as I looked down at our hands. I'm happy he's fine with all this because I'm not really sure if I am. I'm sure my parents are going to find out. They're not happy with me as it is. Honestly a part of me doesn't even really want them around anymore. I know I should because they're my parents. I just don't. They don't support me with anything. They should be happy for the way things are going for me and they really couldn't care less. I am happy. I don't think I've ever been this happy. I wouldn't change anything about all this. My thoughts got interrupted by him squeezing my hand, "Are you alright, love?"

I looked up, nodding, "Yeah I just know that my parents are going to find out."

He looked at me a little confused, "Do you not want them to know?"

"I do. I just wish they would be happy for us. I know they're not going to be."

I felt him move some of my hair away from my face, "I know you do, love. I wish they would be. You know I would change that if I could."

I nodded before lightly pecking his lips, "Do you want anything while I'm out?"

"Some food would be nice. I really don't feel like getting out of this bed today."

I laughed, "Okay. I'll stop and get you something."

He moved a piece of my hair behind my ear as a slight smirk start playing on his lips, "You don't have to worry about dessert, love. You've already gotten that taken care of."

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