~Thrid Wheel~ a love story

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Olives eyes fluttered open after a descent nights sleep. A loud and drawn out yawn escaped her lips. She would loved to be able to curl up and go back asleep but school kept her from doing so. She got out bed and began to go through her normal routine ,only pausing it to look for last night's homework, then set off on her bike to school. Her mind kept on slipping back to her dream. She couldn't quite remember it, only remembering small details. This annoyed her greatly. She was so deep in thought she nearly forgot the one reason she hated school. It wasn't the learning or the homework or the hours that for some dragged out forever. In fact she loved those things. It was a certain person who she hated beyond compare.

She pulled into the bike racks and wheeled her bike into a available spot, not like she'd have trouble finding one of those. She was one of the few who rode a bike to school. People seen riding a bike were considered " too poor" to have any other mode of transport. Not like Olive cared about what others thought about her. She pulled down the kickstand, throwing her helmet in her backpack, and walked off to the main building. She checked a clock in the hallway. 8:15. Fifteen more minutes till class. With nothing else to do she began to wander the halls, hoping she wouldn't run into...

" Hey Olive!" a voice behind her called. Olive muttered a curse under her breath as she turned around to face her best friend.

" H-Hey Alissa!" She responded wearily, trying to copy Alissas cheery tone. She glared at the individual next to her. Of course he was with her.

" Sup Olive"  Connor greeted.

" Hello.." She replied bitterly ,Connor was Alissas boyfriend and Olive hated him for it. At first she was ok with it, she wanted her friend to be happy, but soon Alissa left there table at lunch to go sit with him ,leaving Olive by herself. Even then she was ok, just a little hurt. One day though everything changed and her ok with it attitude changed to hate and anger at Connor.

It was Olives birthday. She had planned this amazing party for herself and Alissa ,since they had close birthdays they had decided to have one big party together. It was going to be the best birthday ever. But in the day of the party she got a call from Alissa saying that Connor was going to take her out for a special birthday date and that she couldn't come. Olive was shattered. Connor had taken Alissa from her and she would hate him forever for that. She was turned into a third wheel after that, having to tag along on dates and constantly being asked to do something that would take a long time, leaving the two of them to be able to be alone. She never said anything to Alissa, being shy she rarely ever spoke her mind or to other people, but the hate was there, burning inside of her every time she saw him.

The bell rang and, waving a half hearted goodbye, set off to class her mind remembering all those times of being the third wheel.

Olive flopped onto her bed and turned on her phone. It had been a long day at school and all she wanted to do was escape into her online life. She tapped the app and was taken to a chat she had with Alissa and three other dudes. How could she forget Alissas online boyfriends. She didn't understand why every boy on the planet loved Alissa. What was she doing that made them love her? Maybe it's because I don't talk much. Olive questioned silently. Maybe I need to be more outgoing like her. There must be something I can change about myself to be noticed. She scrolled up to see the previous messages. They were all about Alissa or ButterflyGirl47, her screen name. What else is new? She said to herself. She powered off the phone and turned over on her back, starring up at the ceiling, desperately.

        What can I change?

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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